Juan R. Velasco
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Cited by
Analysis and design of multiagent systems using MAS-CommonKADS
CA Iglesias, M Garijo, JC González, JR Velasco
Intelligent Agents IV Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: 4th …, 1998
Mobile Agents for Service Personalization in Smart Environments.
I Marsa-Maestre, MA Lopez-Carmona, JR Velasco, A Navarro
J. Networks 3 (5), 30-41, 2008
A methodological proposal for multiagent systems development extending CommonKADS
CA Iglesias, M Garijo, JC González, JR Velasco
Proceedings of the 10th Banff knowledge acquisition for knowledge-based …, 1996
Access control mechanism for IoT environments based on modelling communication procedures as resources
L Cruz-Piris, D Rivera, I Marsa-Maestre, E De La Hoz, JR Velasco
Sensors 18 (3), 917, 2018
Balancing utility and deal probability for auction-based negotiations in highly nonlinear utility spaces
I Marsa-Maestre, MA Lopez-Carmona, JR Velasco, T Ito, M Klein, K Fujita
Twenty-first international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2009
Effective bidding and deal identification for negotiations in highly nonlinear scenarios
I Marsa-Maestre, MA Lopez-Carmona, JR Velasco, E de la Hoz
Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2009
MIX: A general purpose multiagent architecture
CA Iglesias, JC González, JR Velasco
Intelligent Agents II Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: IJCAI'95 …, 1996
Ontology-based architecture for intelligent transportation systems using a traffic sensor network
S Fernandez, R Hadfi, T Ito, I Marsa-Maestre, JR Velasco
Sensors 16 (8), 1287, 2016
Genetic algorithms in fuzzy control systems
JR Velasco, L Magdalena
Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science 28040, 141-165, 1995
Multiagent-based control systems: a hybrid approach to distributed process control
JR Velasco, JC González, L Magdalena, CA Iglesias
Control Engineering Practice 4 (6), 839-845, 1996
Fuzzy rule-based controllers that learn by evolving their knowledge base
L Magdalena, JR Velasco
Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing 8, 172-201, 1996
Ontology alignment architecture for semantic sensor web integration
S Fernandez, I Marsa-Maestre, JR Velasco, B Alarcos
Sensors 13 (9), 12581-12604, 2013
Genetic‐based on‐line learning for fuzzy process control
JR Velasco
International journal of intelligent systems 13 (10‐11), 891-903, 1998
A wearable system for real‐time continuous monitoring of physical activity
F Taffoni, D Rivera, A La Camera, A Nicolò, JR Velasco, C Massaroni
Journal of healthcare engineering 2018 (1), 1878354, 2018
Secure communications and protected data for a Internet of Things smart toy platform
D Rivera, A García, ML Martín-Ruiz, B Alarcos, JR Velasco, AG Oliva
IEEE internet of things Journal 6 (2), 3785-3795, 2019
Smart toys designed for detecting developmental delays
D Rivera, A García, B Alarcos, JR Velasco, JE Ortega, I Martínez-Yelmo
Sensors 16 (11), 1953, 2016
Location-Aware Services and Interfaces in Smart Homes Using Multiagent Systems.
JR Velasco, I Marsá-Maestre, A Navarro, MA López-Carmona, ...
PSC 5, 104-110, 2005
Genetic fuzzy clustering for the definition of fuzzy sets
JR Velasco, S Lopez, L Magdalena
Proceedings of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Conference 3, 1665-1670, 1997
The role of hybrid systems in intelligent data management: the case of fuzzy/neural hybrids
CJ Iglesias, JC Gonzalez, JR Velasco
Control Engineering Practice 4 (6), 839-845, 1996
A region‐based multi‐issue negotiation protocol for nonmonotonic utility spaces
MA Lopez‐Carmona, I Marsa‐Maestre, E De La Hoz, JR Velasco
Computational Intelligence 27 (2), 166-217, 2011
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Articles 1–20