Manuel Salvadores
Cited by
Cited by
BioPortal as a dataset of linked biomedical ontologies and terminologies in RDF
M Salvadores, PR Alexander, MA Musen, NF Noy
Semantic web 4 (3), 277-284, 2013
SPARQL query rewriting for implementing data integration over linked data
G Correndo, M Salvadores, I Millard, H Glaser, N Shadbolt
2010 EDBT/ICDT Workshops, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4, 2010
Using sparql to query bioportal ontologies and metadata
M Salvadores, M Horridge, PR Alexander, RW Fergerson, MA Musen, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2012: 11th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2012
Consuming multiple linked data sources: Challenges and Experiences
I Millard, H Glaser, M Salvadores, N Shadbolt
First International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data, Shanghai, China …, 2010
Put in your postcode, out comes the data: A Case Study
T Omitola, C Koumenides, I Popov, Y Yang, M Salvadores, M Szomszor, ...
7th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2010, Crete, Greece., 318-332, 2010
The design and implementation of minimal RDFS backward reasoning in 4store
M Salvadores, G Correndo, S Harris, N Gibbins, N Shadbolt
8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2011, Crete, Greece., 139-153, 2011
Linked timelines: Temporal representation and management in linked data
G Correndo, M Salvadores, I Millard, N Shadbolt
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data, 16, 2010
Geographical Service: a compass for the Web of Data.
G Correndo, M Salvadores, Y Yang, N Gibbins, N Shadbolt
WWW2010 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW 2010, Raleigh) USA, April …, 2010
Global integration of public sector information
C Koumenides, H Alani, N Shadbolt, M Salvadores
Combining link and content-based information in a Bayesian inference model for entity search
CL Koumenides, NR Shadbolt
Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Workshop on Entity-Oriented and …, 2012
N Shadbolt, K O'Hara, M Salvadores, H Alani
Springer, 2011
Linksb2n: Automatic data integration for the semantic web
M Salvadores, G Correndo, B Rodriguez-Castro, N Gibbins, J Darlington, ...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009, 1121-1138, 2009
Managing dynamic virtual organizations to get effective cooperation in collaborative grid environments
P Herrero, J Bosque, M Salvadores, M Pérez
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: CoopIS, DOA, ODBASE, GADA …, 2007
A rule based resources management for collaborative grid environments
P Herrero, JL Bosque, M Salvadores, MS Perez
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 3 (1), 35-45, 2008
4s-reasoner: Rdfs backward chained reasoning support in 4store
M Salvadores, G Correndo, T Omitola, N Gibbins, S Harris, N Shadbolt
2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2010
Domain-specific backlinking services in the web of data
M Salvadores, G Correndo, M Szomszor, Y Yang, N Gibbins, I Millard, ...
2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2010, 6, 2010
Distributed human computation framework for linked data co-reference resolution
Y Yang, P Singh, J Yao, C Au Yeung, A Zareian, X Wang, Z Cai, ...
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 8th Extended Semantic Web …, 2011
A linked data representation of the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics
G Correndo, A Granzotto, M Salvadores, W Hall, N Shadbolt
Amble: An awareness model for balancing the load in collaborative grid environments
P Herrero, J Bosque, M Salvadores, M Perez
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing …, 2006
A semantic collaborative awareness model to deal with resource sharing in grids
M Salvadores, P Herrero, JL Bosque, MS Peréz
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (2), 276-280, 2010
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Articles 1–20