Alexandre Apsan Frediani
Cited by
Cited by
Sen's Capability Approach as a framework to the practice of development
AA Frediani
Development in practice 20 (2), 173-187, 2010
Amartya Sen, the World Bank, and the redress of urban poverty: A Brazilian case study
AA Frediani
Journal of human development 8 (1), 133-152, 2007
The capability approach, empowerment and participation: concepts, methods and applications
DA Clark, M Biggeri, AA Frediani
Springer, 2019
Approaching development projects from a human development and capability perspective
A Apsan Frediani, A Boni, D Gasper
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 15 (1), 1-12, 2014
Institutionalization and depoliticization of the right to the city: Changing scenarios for radical social movements
S Belda‐Miquel, J Peris Blanes, A Frediani
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (2), 321-339, 2016
Gender, difference and urban change: implications for the promotion of well-being?
J Walker, AA Frediani, JF Trani
Environment and Urbanization 25 (1), 111-124, 2013
Processes for just products: the capability space of participatory design
AA Frediani, C Boano
The capability approach, technology and design, 203-222, 2012
Farmers, not gardeners: The making of environmentally just spaces in Accra
A Allen, A Apsan Frediani
City 17 (3), 365-381, 2013
'Participation as planning': Strategies from the south to challenge the limits of planning
AA Frediani, C Cociña
Built Environment 45 (2), 143-161, 2019
Insurgent regeneration: Spatial practices of citizenship in the rehabilitation of inner-city São Paulo
B De Carli, AA Frediani
GeoHumanities 2 (2), 331-353, 2016
Re-imagining participatory design: Reflecting on the ASF-UK change by design methodology
AA Frediani
Design Issues 32 (3), 98-111, 2016
Knowledge translation in global urban agendas: A history of research-practice encounters in the Habitat conferences
C Cociña, AA Frediani, M Acuto, C Levy
World Development 122, 130-141, 2019
Participatory capabilities in development practice
AA Frediani
The capability approach in development planning and urban design, 121-133, 2015
Human development and the capability approach: The role of empowerment and participation
AA Frediani, DA Clark, M Biggeri
The Capability Approach, empowerment and participation: Concepts, methods …, 2019
Insurgent citizenship practices: The case of Muungano wa Wanavijiji in Nairobi, Kenya
S Butcher, A Apsan Frediani
City 18 (2), 119-133, 2014
Can participatory mapping activate spatial and political practices? Mapping popular resistance and dwelling practices in Bogotá eastern hills
A Allen, R Lambert, A Apsan Frediani, T Ome
Area 47 (3), 261-271, 2015
Participatory methods and the capability approach
AA Frediani
Human Development and Capability Association, 2006
Land and planning for urban agriculture in Accra: Sustained urban agriculture or sustainable urbanization
A Allen, AA Frediani, M Wood-Hill
Irrigated Urban Vegetable Production in Ghana, 161, 2014
Participation, empowerment and capabilities: Key lessons and future challenges
DA Clark, M Biggeri, AA Frediani
The capability approach, empowerment and participation: Concepts, methods …, 2019
Housing freedom, Amartya Sen and urban development policies: Squatter settlement upgrading in Salvado da Bahia, Brazil
AA Frediani
Oxford Brookes University, 2007
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Articles 1–20