Articles with public access mandates - Laurens KlerkxLearn more
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Towards a typology of intermediaries in sustainability transitions: a systematic review and a research agenda
P Kivimaa, W Boon, S Hyysalo, L Klerkx
Research Policy 48 (4), 1062-1075, 2019
Mandates: Academy of Finland, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Beyond agricultural innovation systems? Exploring an agricultural innovation ecosystems approach for niche design and development in sustainability transitions
AAE Pigford, GM Hickey, L Klerkx
Agricultural Systems 164, 116-121, 2018
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences …
Systemic perspectives on scaling agricultural innovations. A review
S Wigboldus, L Klerkx, C Leeuwis, M Schut, S Muilerman, H Jochemsen
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 36 (3), 1-20, 2016
Mandates: CGIAR
Innovation platforms: experiences with their institutional embedding in agricultural research for development
M Schut, L Klerkx, M Sartas, D Lamers, M Mc Campbell, I Ogbonna, ...
Experimental Agriculture 52 (4), 537-561, 2016
Mandates: CGIAR
Digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas: A socio-cyber-physical system framework to support responsibilisation
K Rijswijk, L Klerkx, M Bacco, F Bartolini, E Bulten, L Debruyne, J Dessein, ...
Journal of Rural Studies 85, 79-90, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part I). A diagnostic tool for integrated analysis of complex problems and innovation capacity
M Schut, L Klerkx, J Rodenburg, J Kayeke, LC Hinnou, ...
Agricultural Systems 132, 1-11, 2015
Mandates: CGIAR
Characterizing diversity of food systems in view of sustainability transitions. A review
D Gaitán-Cremaschi, L Klerkx, J Duncan, JH Trienekens, C Huenchuleo, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39 (1), 1, 2019
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Passing the baton: How intermediaries advance sustainability transitions in different phases
P Kivimaa, S Hyysalo, W Boon, L Klerkx, M Martiskainen, J Schot
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 2019
Mandates: Academy of Finland, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Systems approaches to innovation in crop protection. A systematic literature review
M Schut, J Rodenburg, L Klerkx, A van Ast, L Bastiaans
Crop Protection 56, 98-108, 2014
Mandates: CGIAR
Scale dynamics of grassroots innovations through parallel pathways of transformative change
F Hermans, D Roep, L Klerkx
Ecological Economics 130, 285-295, 2016
Mandates: European Commission
Value Chain Upgrading and the Inclusion of Smallholders in Markets: Reflections on Contributions of Multi-Stakeholder Processes in Dairy Development in Tanzania
C Kilelu, L Klerkx, A Omore, I Baltenweck, C Leeuwis, J Githinji
The European Journal of Development Research 29, 1102–1121, 2017
Mandates: CGIAR
Public-private partnerships as systemic agricultural innovation policy instruments–Assessing their contribution to innovation system function dynamics
F Hermans, F Geerling-Eiff, J Potters, L Klerkx
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 88, 76-95, 2019
Mandates: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Drivers of decoupling and recoupling of crop and livestock systems at farm and territorial scales
R Garrett, J Ryschawy, L Bell, O Cortner, J Ferreira, AV Garik, J Gil, ...
Ecology and Society 25 (1), 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Government of Italy
How is innovation in aquaculture conceptualized and managed? A systematic literature review and reflection framework to inform analysis and action
OM Joffre, L Klerkx, M Dickson, M Verdegem
Aquaculture 470, 129-148, 2017
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Supporting Smallholder Commercialisation by Enhancing Integrated Coordination in Agrifood Value Chains: Experiences With Dairy Hubs in Kenya
CW KILELU, L Klerkx, C Leeuwis
Experimental Agriculture FirstView 8, 1-19, 2016
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
To cluster or not to cluster farmers? Influences on network interactions, risk perceptions, and adoption of aquaculture practices
OM Joffre, PM Poortvliet, L Klerkx
Agricultural Systems 173, 151-160, 2019
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, CGIAR
Transitions in water harvesting practices in Jordan’s rainfed agricultural systems: Systemic problems and blocking mechanisms in an emerging technological innovation system
GN Sixt, L Klerkx, TS Griffin
Environmental Science & Policy 84, 235-249, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Understanding socio-economic and policy constraints to dairy development in Ethiopia: A coupled functional-structural innovation systems analysis
E Kebebe, AJ Duncan, L Klerkx, IJM de Boer, SJ Oosting
Agricultural Systems 141, 69-78, 2015
Mandates: CGIAR
Are shrimp farmers actual gamblers? An analysis of risk perception and risk management behaviors among shrimp farmers in the Mekong Delta
OM Joffre, PM Poortvliet, L Klerkx
Aquaculture 495, 528-537, 2018
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, CGIAR
Compositional dynamics of multilevel innovation platforms in agricultural research for development
D Lamers, M Schut, L Klerkx, P van Asten
Science and Public Policy 44 (6), 739-752, 2017
Mandates: CGIAR
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