Robert H. Manson
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of rodents on survival of tree seeds and seedlings invading old fields
RS Ostfeld, RH Manson, CD Canham
Ecology 78 (5), 1531-1542, 1997
La fragmentación del bosque mesófilo de montaña y patrones de uso del suelo en la región oeste de Xalapa, Veracruz, México
G Williams-Linera, RH Manson, EI Vera
Madera y bosques 8 (1), 73-89, 2002
Links between microhabitat preferences and seed predation by small mammals in old fields
RH Manson, EW Stiles
Oikos, 37-50, 1998
Biodiversity, profitability, and vegetation structure in a Mexican coffee agroecosystem
C Gordon, R Manson, J Sundberg, A Cruz-Angón
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 118 (1-4), 256-266, 2007
Responses of a small mammal community to heterogeneity along forest-old-field edges
RH Manson, RS Ostfeld, CD Canham
Landscape ecology 14, 355-367, 1999
Agroecosistemas cafetaleros de Veracruz: biodiversidad, manejo y conservación
RH Manson
Instituto Nacional de Ecología, 2008
Tree species diversity and vegetation structure in shade coffee farms in Veracruz, Mexico
AM López-Gómez, G Williams-Linera, RH Manson
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 124 (3-4), 160-172, 2008
Los servicios hidrológicos y la conservación de los bosques de México
RH Manson
Madera y bosques 10 (1), 3-20, 2004
Long‐term effects of rodent herbivores on tree invasion dynamics along forest–field edges
RH Manson, RS Ostfeld, CD Canham
Ecology 82 (12), 3320-3329, 2001
Patch‐and landscape‐scale effects on howler monkey distribution and abundance in rainforest fragments
A Anzures‐Dadda, RH Manson
Animal Conservation 10 (1), 69-76, 2007
Quantitative classification of coffee agroecosystems spanning a range of production intensities in central Veracruz, Mexico
G Hernández-Martínez, RH Manson, AC Hernández
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 134 (1-2), 89-98, 2009
Effects of the type of montane forest edge on oak seedling establishment along forest–edge–exterior gradients
F López-Barrera, RH Manson, M González-Espinosa, AC Newton
Forest Ecology and Management 225 (1-3), 234-244, 2006
Edge effects in a tropical montane forest mosaic: experimental tests of post-dispersal acorn removal
F Lopez-Barrera, A Newton, R Manson
Ecological Research 20, 31-40, 2005
Estudios de la biodiversidad en cafetales
RH Manson, A Contreras, F López-Barrera
Agrosistemas cafetaleros de Veracruz: biodiversidad, manejo y conservación, 1-14, 2008
The effects of tree seed and seedling density on predation rates by rodents in old fields
RH Manson, RS Ostfeld, CD Canham
Ecoscience 5 (2), 183-190, 1998
Calidad y ambiente físico-químico de los suelos
D Geissert, A Ibáñez
Agroecosistemas Cafetaleros de Veracruz: Biodiversidad, manejo y …, 2008
Toward integrated analysis of human impacts on forest biodiversity: lessons from Latin America
AC Newton, L Cayuela, C Echeverría, JJ Armesto, RF Del Castillo, ...
Ecology and Society 14 (2), 2009
Spatial analysis of ecosystem service relationships to improve targeting of payments for hydrological services
P Mokondoko, RH Manson, TH Ricketts, D Geissert
PloS one 13 (2), e0192560, 2018
Effects of varying forest edge permeability on seed dispersal in a neotropical montane forest
F Lopez-Barrera, RH Manson, M González-Espinosa, AC Newton
Landscape Ecology 22, 189-203, 2007
Perturbaciones y desastres naturales: impactos sobre las ecorregiones, la biodiversidad y el bienestar socioeconómico
R Manson, EJ Jardel-Peláez, C Escalante-Sandoval
Capital natural de México 2, 131-184, 2009
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