Articles with public access mandates - Kongkea PhanLearn more
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Sustainable solutions to arsenic accumulation in rice grown in south and south-east Asia
S Srivastava, S Pathak, M Ponsin, S Hensawang, P Chanpiwat, C Yoeurn, ...
Crop and Pasture Science, 2021
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Prevalence of methylated arsenic and microbial arsenic methylation genes in paddy soils of the Mekong Delta
J Qiao, J Liu, A Palomo, BC Bostick, K Phan, Y Zheng, F Li
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (26), 9675-9682, 2023
Mandates: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
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Groundwater irrigation and arsenic speciation in rice in Cambodia
T Murphy, K Phan, E Yumvihoze, K Irvine, K Wilson, D Lean, B Ty, ...
Journal of Health and Pollution 8 (19), 180911, 2018
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada
Effects of arsenic, iron and fertilizers in soil on rice in Cambodia
T Murphy, K Phan, E Yumvihoze, K Irvine, K Wilson, D Lean, A Poulain, ...
Journal of Health and Pollution 8 (19), 180910, 2018
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada
Interactions of dimethylarsinic acid, total arsenic and zinc affecting rice crop management and human health in Cambodia
T Murphy, K Irvine, K Phan, D Lean, E Yumvihoze, K Wilson
Journal of Health and Pollution 10 (26), 200612, 2020
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada
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