Martí Quixal
Martí Quixal
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CATCG: a general purpose parsing tool applied.
A Alsina, T Badia, G Boleda, S Bott, À Gil, M Quixal, O Valentín
LREC, 2002
How can Writing Tasks be Characterized in a way serving Pedagogical Goals and Automatic Analysis Needs?
M Quixal, D Meurers
CALICO Journal 33 (1), 2016
Holaaa!! writin like u talk is kewl but kinda hard 4 NLP
M Melero, MR Costa-Jussà, J Domingo, M Marquina, M Quixal
NLP-enhanced Error Checking for Catalan Unrestricted Text.
T Badia, A Gil, M Quixal, O Valentin
LREC, 2004
BancTrad: a web interface for integrated access to parallel annotated corpora
T Badia, G Boleda, C Colominas, A González, M Garmendia, M Quixal
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Resources for Translation Work and …, 2002
AutoLearn’s authoring tool: a piece of cake for teachers
M Quixal, S Preuß, D García-Narbona, B Boullosa
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Fifth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP …, 2010
Development of reading abilities in children with ADHD following fNIRS-neurofeedback or EMG-biofeedback
F Blume, M Quixal, J Hudak, T Dresler, C Gawrilow, AC Ehlis
Lernen und Lernstörungen, 2020
CATCG: Un sistema de análisis morfosintáctico para el catalán.
À Alsina, T Badia, G Boleda, S Bott, À Gil, M Quixal, O Valentín
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 29, 2002
A modular architecture for the processing of free text
T Badia, G Boleda, E Bofias, M Quixal
Proceedings of the Workshop on’Modular Programming applied to Natural …, 2001
Visualising virtual learning environments: Case studies of the Website exploration tool
V Pascual-Cid, L Vigentini, M Quixal
2010 14th International Conference Information Visualisation, 149-155, 2010
ALLES: Integrating NLP in ICALL Applications.
P Schmidt, S Garnier, M Sharwood, T Badia, L Díaz, M Quixal, A Ruggia, ...
LREC, 2004
Automatic annotation of curricular language targets to enrich activity models and support both pedagogy and adaptive systems
M Quixal, B Rudzewitz, E Bear, D Meurers
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language …, 2021
Selection of correction candidates for the normalization of Spanish user-generated content
M Melero, MR Costa-jussà, P Lambert, M Quixal
Natural Language Engineering 22 (1), 135-161, 2016
Technology-mediated TBLT: Researching technology and tasks
L Ortega, M Quixal
calico journal 32, 595-599, 2015
Combined evaluation of a virtual learning environment: use of qualitative methods and log interpretation to evaluate a computer mediated language course
M Estrada, R Navarro-Prieto, M Quixal
EDULEARN09 Proceedings, 5794-5804, 2009
Strategies for the generation of individualised feedback in distance language learning
M Quixal, T Badia, B Boullosa, L Díaz, A Ruggia
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language-Enabled Technology and Development …, 2006
Theoretical basis and implementation of a linguistic-based morphosyntactic tagger for Catalan
M Quixal
Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Treball de Recerca. Doctorat de Ciència Cognitiva …, 2003
Language Technology Challenges of a'Small'Language (Catalan).
M Melero, G Boleda, M Cuadros, C España-Bonet, L Padró, M Quixal, ...
LREC, 2010
A framework for the evaluation of language learning platforms
M Estrada, R Navarro, M Quixal
Proceedings of the e-Society IADIS International Conference 2, 95-99, 2009
User-centred design of error correction tools
M Quixal, T Badia, F Benavent, JR Boullosa, J Domingo, B Grau, G Massó, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2008
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Articles 1–20