Sylvain Colombero
Sylvain Colombero
Associate Professor
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Authentication as institutional maintenance work
S Colombero, E Boxenbaum
Journal of Management Studies 56 (2), 408-440, 2019
5G-ALLSTAR: An integrated satellite-cellular system for 5G and beyond
J Kim, G Casati, A Pietrabissa, A Giuseppi, EC Strinati, N Cassiau, G Noh, ...
2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW …, 2020
Towards a multimodal model of theorization processes
M Cartel, S Colombero, E Boxenbaum
Multimodality, meaning, and institutions, 153-182, 2017
Multimodal construction of a rational myth: Industrialization of the French building sector in the period from 1945 to 1970
E Boxenbaum, T Daudigeos, JC Pillet, S Colombero
Multimodality, meaning, and institutions, 3-36, 2017
Customers becoming creators: how firms leverage technology and consumers for new value
P Dal Zotto, S Colombero, F Pigni, M Haggège
Journal of Business Strategy 39 (4), 42-65, 2018
The embedded-agency paradox revisited: Discussing Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of becoming for institutional entrepreneurship
S Colombero, R Duymedjian, A Boutinot
Scandinavian Journal of Management 37 (1), 101142, 2021
5G-ALLSTAR: Beyond 5G satellite-terrestrial multi-connectivity
N Cassiau, I Kim, EC Strinati, G Noh, A Pietrabissa, F Arnal, G Casati, ...
2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit …, 2022
Instantiating through collective bricolage: the case of the Listed-Buildings Institution
S Colombero
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2015
Moodle: A Platform That Enables Gamification
S Colombero, P Dal Zotto
Academy of Management Learning & Education 22 (4), 743-744, 2023
Labelliser pour innover dans la construction durable
A Mallard, V Beillan, E Boxenbaum, J Francès, A Tricoire
Rapport du projet ANR LaPIn, 2018
The simultaneous management of business model innovation and replication processes: The case of Airbnb’s “experiences”
C Genet, R Gandia, S Colombero
Journal of Business Models 11 (2), 44-63, 2023
Patrimoine architectural: quand modernité rime avec authenticité
S Colombero, E Boxenbaum
The selection criteria of collective bricolage: the case of the Listed-Buildings Institution
S Colombero
EURAM 2015, 2015
Bricolage as Institutional Maintenance Work: integrating new construction materials into heritage buildings
S Colombero
Giving visual and material form to ideas, identity and imagination …, 2014
Temporality and Institutional Maintenance
A Boutinot, S Colombero, H Delacour
Organization as Time: Technology, Power and Politics, 329-348, 2023
Place and Status Recategorization
M Cartel, E Boxenbaum, S Colombero
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 11898, 2022
Creating"" like a complete unknown"" or the interest of becoming imperceptible
S Colombero, R Duymedjian, A Boutinot
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 10948, 2021
« Qualité et régime archéologique » : quelques réflexions sur les catégories de pensée, les principes classificatoires et sur les processus d’institutionnalisation en archéologie
C Tuffery, S Colombero
Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie - Varia 155, 42-46, 2019
Acquiring Prestige: The Role of Multimodal Discourse in Processes of Category Reclassification
M Cartel, E Boxenbaum, S Colombero
EGOS, 2018
Keeping a Dream Alive: Multimodal Study of the Construction Sector's Industrialization 1945-1970
T Daudigeos, E Boxenbaum, S Colombero, P Jean-Charles
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 15792, 2017
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Articles 1–20