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Cited by
A miniature robotic system for reconnaissance and surveillance
DF Hougen, S Benjaafar, JC Bonney, JR Budenske, M Dvorak, M Gini, ...
Robotics and Automation, 2000. Proceedings. ICRA'00. IEEE International …, 2000
Why is it so difficult for a robot to pass through a doorway using ultrasonic sensors?
J Budenske, M Gini
Robotics and Automation, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE International …, 1994
Reconfigurable robots for distributed robotics
DF Hougen, JC Bonney, JR Budenske, M Dvorak, M Gini, DG Krantz, ...
Government Microcircuit Applications Conf, 72-75, 2000
Dispersion and exploration algorithms for robots in unknown environments
S Damer, L Ludwig, MA LaPoint, M Gini, N Papanikolopoulos, ...
Unmanned Systems Technology VIII 6230, 62300Q, 2006
Sensor explication: knowledge-based robotic plan execution through logical objects
J Budenske, M Gini
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 27 …, 1997
Agent-based architecture for exchanging modeling data between applications
J Budenske, A Ahamad, E Chartier
Working Notes of the Agent-Based Manufacturing Workshop, Minneapolis, USA, 1998
On-line use of off-line derived mappings for iterative automatic target recognition tasks and a particular class of hardware platforms
JR Budenske, RS Ramanujan, HJ Siegel
Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, 1997.(HCW'97) Proceedings., Sixth, 96-110, 1997
Agent-based schedule validation and verification
J Budenske, J Newhouse, J Bonney, J Wu
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2001 IEEE International Conference on 1, 616-621, 2001
A method for the on-line use of off-line derived remappings of iterative automatic target recognition tasks onto a particular class of heterogeneous parallel platforms
JR Budenske, RS Ramanujan, HJ Siegel
The Journal of Supercomputing 12 (4), 387-406, 1998
Modeling ATR applications for intelligent execution upon a heterogeneous computing platform
JR Budenske, RS Ramamujan, KJ Thurber, HJ Siegel
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1997. Computational Cybernetics and …, 1997
Logical sensor/actuator: knowledge-based robotic plan execution
J Budenske, M Gini
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 9 (2-3), 361-374, 1997
Achieving Goals Through Interaction With Sensors And Actuators.
J Budenske, ML Gini
IROS, 903-908, 1992
Space network architecture technologies
JR Budenske, KS Millikin, JC Bonney, RS Ramanujan, OS Sands
2002 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings- 3, 3-1061, 2002
Nomadic routing applications for wireless networking in a team of miniature robots
J Budenske, J Bonney, A Ahamad, R Ramanujan, DF Hougen, ...
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2000 IEEE International Conference on 5, 3306 …, 2000
Knowledge, execution, and what sufficiently describes sensors and actuators
J Budenske, M Gini
Mobile Robots VII 1831, 223-235, 1993
Robotic plan execution in dynamic and unpredictable environments
JR Budenske
University of Minnesota, 1993
STARCON: a reconfigurable fieldable signal-processing system
SA Brandt, J Budenske
Image Understanding in the'90s: Building Systems that Work 1406, 122-127, 1991
Determining Mobile Robot Actions which Require Sensor Interaction
J Budenske, M Gini
Working Notes of AAAI Fall Symposium on Sensory Aspects of Robotic Intelligence, 1991
Agent-based architecture for exchanging data between legacy applications
JR Budenske, A Ahamad, ER Chartier
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1998. 1998 IEEE International Conference on 3 …, 1998
Cyber resilience and integrity self-awareness of mobile autonomous systems
L Murray, J Budenske, S Gangopadhyay, RK Finstad
Open Architecture/Open Business Model Net-Centric Systems and Defense …, 2018
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Articles 1–20