Andrew D Barnes
Cited by
Cited by
A review of the ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations, using forests as a reference system
C Dislich, AC Keyel, J Salecker, Y Kisel, KM Meyer, M Auliya, AD Barnes, ...
Biological Reviews 92 (3), 1539-1569, 2017
Consequences of tropical land use for multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
AD Barnes, M Jochum, S Mumme, NF Haneda, A Farajallah, TH Widarto, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5351, 2014
Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes
Y Clough, VV Krishna, MD Corre, K Darras, LH Denmead, A Meijide, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13137, 2016
Energy flux: the link between multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
AD Barnes, M Jochum, JS Lefcheck, N Eisenhauer, C Scherber, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (3), 186-197, 2018
Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems
U Brose, P Archambault, AD Barnes, LF Bersier, T Boy, J Canning-Clode, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (6), 919-927, 2019
Direct and cascading impacts of tropical land-use change on multi-trophic biodiversity
AD Barnes, K Allen, H Kreft, MD Corre, M Jochum, E Veldkamp, Y Clough, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (10), 1511-1519, 2017
Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes
I Grass, C Kubitza, VV Krishna, MD Corre, O Mußhoff, P Pütz, J Drescher, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1186, 2020
A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research
N Eisenhauer, H Schielzeth, AD Barnes, K Barry, A Bonn, U Brose, ...
Advances in Ecological Research, 2019
Biodiversity–ecosystem function experiments reveal the mechanisms underlying the consequences of biodiversity change in real world ecosystems
N Eisenhauer, AD Barnes, S Cesarz, D Craven, O Ferlian, F Gottschall, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 27 (5), 1061-1070, 2016
Biodiversity enhances the multitrophic control of arthropod herbivory
AD Barnes, C Scherber, U Brose, ET Borer, A Ebeling, B Gauzens, ...
Science Advances 6 (45), eabb6603, 2020
A niche for ecosystem multifunctionality in global change research
DP Giling, L Beaumelle, HRP Phillips, S Cesarz, N Eisenhauer, O Ferlian, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (3), 763-774, 2019
Species richness and biomass explain spatial turnover in ecosystem functioning across tropical and temperate ecosystems
AD Barnes, P Weigelt, M Jochum, D Ott, D Hodapp, NF Haneda, U Brose
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ ecosystems
P Manning, J Loos, AD Barnes, P Batáry, FJJA Bianchi, N Buchmann, ...
Advances in Ecological Research, 2019
Warming alters energetic structure and function but not resilience of soil food webs
B Schwarz, AD Barnes, MP Thakur, U Brose, M Ciobanu, PB Reich, ...
Nature climate change 7 (12), 895-900, 2017
fluxweb: An R package to easily estimate energy fluxes in food webs
B Gauzens, A Barnes, DP Giling, J Hines, M Jochum, JS Lefcheck, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (2), 270-279, 2019
Matrix habitat restoration alters dung beetle species responses across tropical forest edges
AD Barnes, RM Emberson, HM Chapman, FT Krell, RK Didham
Biological conservation 170, 28-37, 2014
Functional diversity and stability of litter-invertebrate communities following land-use change in Sumatra, Indonesia
S Mumme, M Jochum, U Brose, NF Haneda, AD Barnes
Biological Conservation 191, 750-758, 2015
Functional losses in ground spider communities due to habitat structure degradation under tropical land‐use change
AM Potapov, N Dupérré, M Jochum, K Dreczko, B Klarner, AD Barnes, ...
Ecology 101 (3), e02957, 2020
Decreasing stoichiometric resource quality drives compensatory feeding across trophic levels in tropical litter invertebrate communities
M Jochum, AD Barnes, D Ott, B Lang, B Klarner, A Farajallah, S Scheu, ...
The American Naturalist 190 (1), 131-143, 2017
Applying generalized allometric regressions to predict live body mass of tropical and temperate arthropods
EH Sohlström, L Marian, AD Barnes, NF Haneda, S Scheu, BC Rall, ...
Ecology and evolution 8 (24), 12737-12749, 2018
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Articles 1–20