Chris Stride
Chris Stride
Senior Lecturer (Statistician), Institute of Work Psychology, University of Sheffield
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Institutions and social entrepreneurship: The role of institutional voids, institutional support, and institutional configurations
U Stephan, LM Uhlaner, C Stride
Journal of International Business Studies 46, 308-331, 2015
Using the theory of planned behavior to explore environmental behavioral intentions in the workplace
M Greaves, LD Zibarras, C Stride
Journal of Environmental Psychology 34, 109-120, 2013
The impact of human resource and operational management practices on company productivity: A longitudinal study
K Birdi, C Clegg, M Patterson, A Robinson, CB Stride, TD Wall, SJ Wood
Personnel psychology 61 (3), 467-501, 2008
Leadership behavior and subordinate well-being.
D Van Dierendonck, C Haynes, C Borrill, C Stride
Journal of occupational health psychology 9 (2), 165, 2004
Perceived organizational support for safety and employee safety voice: the mediating role of coworker support for safety.
S Tucker, N Chmiel, N Turner, MS Hershcovis, CB Stride
Journal of occupational health psychology 13 (4), 319, 2008
Socioeconomic status and antisocial behaviour among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis
PJ Piotrowska, CB Stride, SE Croft, R Rowe
Clinical psychology review 35, 47-55, 2015
Mplus code for mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation models
CB Stride, S Gardner, N Catley, F Thomas
Emotion Regulation of Others and Self (EROS): The development and validation of a new individual difference measure
K Niven, P Totterdell, CB Stride, D Holman
Current Psychology 30, 53-73, 2011
Quality of life in children newly diagnosed with cancer and their mothers
C Eiser, JR Eiser, CB Stride
Health and quality of life outcomes 3, 1-5, 2005
Management of obesity in primary care: nurses’ practices, beliefs and attitudes
I Brown, C Stride, A Psarou, L Brewins, J Thompson
Journal of advanced nursing 59 (4), 329-341, 2007
Job crafting revisited: Implications of an extended framework for active changes at work.
UK Bindl, KL Unsworth, CB Gibson, CB Stride
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (5), 605, 2019
Familiarity breeds content: The impact of exposure to change on employee openness and well‐being
C Axtell, T Wall, C Stride, K Pepper, C Clegg, P Gardner, R Bolden
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 75 (2), 217-231, 2002
Transformational leadership and employee safety performance: a within-person, between-jobs design.
M Inness, N Turner, J Barling, CB Stride
Journal of occupational health psychology 15 (3), 279, 2010
N-of-1 trial of a statin, placebo, or no treatment to assess side effects
FA Wood, JP Howard, JA Finegold, AN Nowbar, DM Thompson, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 383 (22), 2182-2184, 2020
Good places for ageing in place: development of objective built environment measures for investigating links with older people's wellbeing
EJ Burton, L Mitchell, CB Stride
BMC public health 11, 1-13, 2011
Measures of perceived work characteristics for health services research: Test of a measurement model and normative data
CE Haynes, TD Wall, RI Bolden, C Stride, JE Rick
British Journal of Health Psychology 4 (3), 257-275, 1999
Thriving when exhausted: The role of perceived transformational leadership
C Niessen, I Mäder, C Stride, NL Jimmieson
Journal of Vocational Behavior 103, 41-51, 2017
Validity of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire in preschool-aged children
S Croft, C Stride, B Maughan, R Rowe
Pediatrics 135 (5), e1210-e1219, 2015
Can employees be emotionally drained by witnessing unpleasant interactions between coworkers? A diary study of induced emotion regulation
P Totterdell, MS Hershcovis, K Niven, TC Reich, C Stride
Work & Stress 26 (2), 112-129, 2012
Quality of life implications as a consequence of surgery: limb salvage, primary and secondary amputation
C Eiser, ASE Darlington, CB Stride, R Grimer
Sarcoma 5 (4), 189-195, 2001
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