André A Dhondt
André A Dhondt
Edwin H. Morgens Professor or Ornithology, Cornell University
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J Clobert, E Danchin, A Dhondt, J Nichols
Oxford, 2001
The eBird enterprise: An integrated approach to development and application of citizen science
BL Sullivan, JL Aycrigg, JH Barry, RE Bonney, N Bruns, CB Cooper, ...
Biological conservation 169, 31-40, 2014
Extra-pair paternity results from female preference for high-quality males in the blue tit
B Kempenaers, GR Verheyen, MV den Broeck, T Burke, CV Broeckhoven, ...
Nature 357 (6378), 494-496, 1992
Extrapair paternity in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus) : female choice, male characteristics, and offspring quality
B Kempenaers, GR Verheyen, AA Dhondi
Behavioral Ecology 8 (5), 481-492, 1997
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3109, 2019
Density-dependent decline of host abundance resulting from a new infectious disease
WM Hochachka, AA Dhondt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (10), 5303-5306, 2000
Variable responses to large-scale climate change in European Parus populations
EV Marcel, F Adriaensen, JH Van Balen, J Blondel, AA Dhondt, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Anticipatory reproduction and population growth in seed predators
S Boutin, LA Wauters, AG McAdam, MM Humphries, G Tosi, AA Dhondt
Science 314 (5807), 1928-1930, 2006
Spacing behaviour of red squirrels, Sciurus vulgaris: variation between habitats and the sexes
L Wauters, AA Dhondt
Animal Behaviour 43 (2), 297-311, 1992
Artificial nest predation and habitat fragmentation: different trends in bird and mammal predators
N Nour, E Matthysen, AA Dhondt
Ecography 16 (2), 111-116, 1993
Mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in wild songbirds: the spread of a new contagious disease in a mobile host population.
JR Fischer, DE Stallknecht, P Luttrell, AA Dhondt, KA Converse
Emerging infectious diseases 3 (1), 69, 1997
Density-dependent clutch size caused by habitat heterogeneity
AA Dhondt, B Kempenaers, F Adriaensen
Journal of Animal Ecology, 643-648, 1992
Male quality, reproduction, and survival in the great tit (Parus major)
M Lambrechts, AA Dhondt
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 19, 57-63, 1986
Interspecific competition in birds
AA Dhondt
Oxford University Press, 2012
Epidemic mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in house finches from eastern North America
AA Dhondt, DL Tessaglia, RL Slothower
Journal of wildlife diseases 34 (2), 265-280, 1998
Population dynamics and partial migration of the European robin (Erithacus rubecula) in different habitats
F Adriaensen, AA Dhondt
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 1077-1090, 1990
Body weight, longevity and reproductive success in red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris)
L Wauters, AA Dhondt
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 637-651, 1989
Mate guarding and copulation behaviour in monogamous and polygynous blue tits: do males follow a best-of-a-bad-job strategy?
B Kempenaers, GR Verheyen, AA Dhondt
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36, 33-42, 1995
Seasonality and wildlife disease: how seasonal birth, aggregation and variation in immunity affect the dynamics of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in house finches
PR Hosseini, AA Dhondt, A Dobson
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Summer dispersal and survival of juvenile great tits in southern Sweden
AA Dhondt
Oecologia 42, 139-157, 1979
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