Articles with public access mandates - Jonn AxsenLearn more
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Is awareness of public charging associated with consumer interest in plug-in electric vehicles?
J Bailey, A Miele, J Axsen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 36, 1-9, 2015
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Anticipating PEV buyers’ acceptance of utility controlled charging
J Bailey, J Axsen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 82, 29-46, 2015
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Simulating the value of electric-vehicle–grid integration using a behaviourally realistic model
M Wolinetz, J Axsen, J Peters, C Crawford
Nature Energy 3 (2), 132-139, 2018
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
How policy can build the plug-in electric vehicle market: Insights from the REspondent-based Preference And Constraints (REPAC) model
M Wolinetz, J Axsen
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 117, 238-250, 2017
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
No free ride to zero-emissions: Simulating a region's need to implement its own zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) mandate to achieve 2050 GHG targets
M Sykes, J Axsen
Energy Policy 110, 447-460, 2017
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Confusion of innovations: mainstream consumer perceptions and misperceptions of electric-drive vehicles and charging programs in Canada
J Axsen, B Langman, S Goldberg
Energy research & social science 27, 163-173, 2017
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
What drives the Pioneers? Applying lifestyle theory to early electric vehicle buyers in Canada
J Axsen, J Cairns, N Dusyk, S Goldberg
Energy Research & Social Science 44, 17-30, 2018
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Evaluating plug-in electric vehicle policies in the context of long-term greenhouse gas reduction goals: Comparing 10 Canadian provinces using the “PEV policy report card”
N Melton, J Axsen, S Goldberg
Energy Policy 107, 381-393, 2017
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Latent demand for zero-emissions vehicles in Canada (Part 2): Insights from a stated choice experiment
C Kormos, J Axsen, Z Long, S Goldberg
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 67, 685-702, 2019
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Picking winners: Modelling the costs of technology-specific climate policy in the US passenger vehicle sector
J Fox, J Axsen, M Jaccard
Ecological Economics 137, 133-147, 2017
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Who cares about climate change? The mass media and socio-political acceptance of Canada’s oil sands and Northern Gateway Pipeline
N Dusyk, J Axsen, K Dullemond
Energy Research & Social Science 37, 12-21, 2018
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
What does Tesla mean to car buyers? Exploring the role of automotive brand in perceptions of battery electric vehicles
Z Long, J Axsen, I Miller, C Kormos
Transportation research part A: Policy and Practice 129, 185-204, 2019
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Oil sands, pipelines and fracking: Citizen acceptance of unconventional fossil fuel development and infrastructure in Canada
T Brunner, J Axsen
Energy Research & Social Science 67, 101511, 2020
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Latent demand for zero-emissions vehicles in Canada (Part 1): Insights from a design space exercise
Z Long, J Axsen, C Kormos, S Goldberg
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 67, 51-66, 2019
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Who will use new mobility technologies? Exploring demand for shared, electric, and automated vehicles in three Canadian metropolitan regions
Z Long, J Axsen
Energy Research & Social Science 88, 102506, 2022
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
MPG, fuel costs, or savings? Exploring the role of information framing in consumer valuation of fuel economy using a choice experiment
Z Long, C Kormos, R Sussman, J Axsen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 146, 109-127, 2021
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Available somewhere: 27
Promoting novelty, rigor, and style in energy social science: Towards codes of practice for appropriate methods and research design
BK Sovacool, J Axsen, S Sorrell
Energy research & social science 45, 12-42, 2018
Mandates: Danish Council for Independent Research, European Commission, UK Research …
How might potential future plug-in electric vehicle buyers differ from current “Pioneer” owners?
J Axsen, S Goldberg, J Bailey
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 47, 357-370, 2016
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Preference and lifestyle heterogeneity among potential plug-in electric vehicle buyers
J Axsen, J Bailey, MA Castro
Energy Economics 50, 190-201, 2015
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
The neglected social dimensions to a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) transition: a critical and systematic review
BK Sovacool, L Noel, J Axsen, W Kempton
Environmental Research Letters 13 (1), 013001, 2018
Mandates: Danish Council for Independent Research, UK Research & Innovation
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