Dr. Lakhan Patidar
Dr. Lakhan Patidar
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department, Medicaps University, Indore
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Cited by
Manufacturing wastes analysis in lean environment: an integrated ISM-fuzzy MICMAC approach
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 8, 1783 …, 2017
Study of optimised process parameters in turning operation through force dynamometer on CNC machine
RK Bharilya, R Malgaya, L Patidar, RK Gurjar, AK Jha
Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (4-5), 2300-2305, 2015
Maintenance Strategies and their Combine Impact on Manufacturing Performance
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and …, 2017
5S Transfusion to Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) for Enhancing Manufacturing Productivity
S Sahu, L Patidar, PK Soni
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2 (7 …, 2015
Relationship of 5S and Manufacturing Performance with Mediator of TPM and TQM
BD Naik, L Patidar, PK Soni
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2 (7 …, 2015
Development of a framework for implementation of maintenance tools and techniques using interpretive structural modeling
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (8), 8158-8166, 2017
Continuous improvement philosophy for manufacturing productivity: critical review
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
Indian Journal of Engineering 13 (33), 300-310, 2016
Soft foot and motor problem solved through predictive maintenance approach
L Patidar, KU Rao
Proceedings on Recent Trends in Engineering & Sciences Conference, 20-21, 2012
Temperature Based Condition Monitoring of Rail and Structural Mill
L Patidar, CS Chitransh, KU Rao
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology 1 (2), 2012
Queuing Theory: A Case Study to Improve the Quality Services of a Restaurant
L Patidar, TS Bisoniya, A Abhishek, PK Ray
Inter-disciplinary Topics In Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Science …, 2014
Adoption of Maintenance Strategy for Plant Assets
S Patidar, L Patidar, P Wararkar
IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| 4 (4 …, 2016
Analysis and Modeling of Value Stream Mapping Success Factors
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
International Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering …, 2020
Analysis of Value Stream Mapping and its Benefits
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
International Journal of Engineering Research in Current Trends 2 (3), 29-33, 2020
Implementation of Condition Based Diagnosis as Maintenance Improvement Strategy in Turbo Blower Assembly
L Patidar, P Soni, V Soni, V Parashar
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 3802–3806, 2017
Development of a Framework for VSM Attributes Using Interpretive Structural Modeling
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
Proceedings of IIRAJ International Conference-SEM-2K17, 523-530, 2017
Abrasive Wear Analysis of Carburized Mild Steel with Respect to Sliding Distance for Soil Mixture under Various Load Condition
R Malgaya, L Patidar
Inter-disciplinary Topics In Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Science …, 2014
Compressive Deformation Behavior and Characterization of Hybrid Aluminum Metal Foam
S Birla, DP Mondal, L Patidar, P Jain
International Journal of Advanced Materials Science 3 (3), 275-292, 2012
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Articles 1–17