Jonas Ullberg
Jonas Ullberg
AASS Cognitive Robotic Systems Laboratory
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Giraffplus: Combining social interaction and long term monitoring for promoting independent living
S Coradeschi, A Cesta, G Cortellessa, L Coraci, J Gonzalez, L Karlsson, ...
2013 6th international conference on Human System Interactions (HSI), 578-585, 2013
Sensor network infrastructure for a home care monitoring system
F Palumbo, J Ullberg, A Štimec, F Furfari, L Karlsson, S Coradeschi
Sensors 14 (3), 3833-3860, 2014
GiraffPlus: a system for monitoring activities and physiological parameters and promoting social interaction for elderly
S Coradeschi, A Cesta, G Cortellessa, L Coraci, C Galindo, J Gonzalez, ...
Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3, 261-271, 2014
A constraint-based approach for proactive, context-aware human support
F Pecora, M Cirillo, F Dell'Osa, J Ullberg, A Saffiotti
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 4 (4), 347-367, 2012
Towards continuous activity monitoring with temporal constraints
J Ullberg, A Loutfi, F Pecora
Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World …, 2009
Propagating temporal constraints on sets of intervals
J Ullberg, F Pecora
Proceedings of ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Timelines …, 2012
A customizable approach for monitoring activities of elderly users in their homes
J Ullberg, A Loutfi, F Pecora
Activity Monitoring by Multiple Distributed Sensing: Second International …, 2014
On-line ADL recognition with prior knowledge
J Ullberg, S Coradeschi, F Pecora
STAIRS 2010, 354-366, 2010
A constraint-based approach for proactive, context-aware human support
F Pecora, M Cirillo, F Dell'Osa, J Ullberg, A Saffiotti
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2013
A Speech Recognition System for PEIS Ecologies
J Ullberg
Master’s thesis, Inst. for Technique, Orebro University, 2008
On combining a context recognition system and a configuration planner for personalised ambient assisted living
LSC Silva-López, J Ullberg, L Karlsson
Ambient Intelligence: 4th International Joint Conference, AmI 2013, Dublin …, 2013
D 3.2 Integrated and refined reasoning infrastructure and deployed prototypes
L Karsson, L Silva-Lopez, J Ullberg
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Articles 1–12