Ernesto Cota
Ernesto Cota
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AC-driven double quantum dots as spin pumps and spin filters
E Cota, R Aguado, G Platero
Physical review letters 94 (10), 107202, 2005
Delocalization transition in random electrified chains with arbitrary potentials
E Cota, JV José, MY Azbel
Physical Review B 32 (10), 6157, 1985
Spin-filtering through excited states in double-quantum-dot pumps
R Sánchez, E Cota, R Aguado, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (3), 035326, 2006
Spin-polarized pumping in a double quantum dot
E Cota, R Aguado, CE Creffield, G Platero
Nanotechnology 14 (2), 152, 2003
Computer simulation of hexagonal ice
E Cota, WG Hoover
The Journal of Chemical Physics 67 (8), 3839-3840, 1977
Stark-ladder resonances in ordered and disordered electrified chains
E Cota, JV José, G Monsiváis
Physical Review B 35 (17), 8929, 1987
Level fluctuations: A general property of spectra
TA Brody, E Cota, J Flores, PA Mello
Nuclear Physics A 259 (1), 87-98, 1976
Bipolar spin filter in a quantum dot molecule
F Mireles, SE Ulloa, F Rojas, E Cota
Applied physics letters 88 (9), 2006
Quantum dynamics, dissipation, and asymmetry effects in quantum dot arrays
F Rojas, E Cota, SE Ulloa
Physical Review B 66 (23), 235305, 2002
Comment on “Absence of Localization in a Nonlinear Binary Alloy”
E Cota, JV Jose, J Maytorena, G Monsivais
Physical review letters 74 (16), 3302, 1995
Studies on the problem of small metallic particles. I.—Spectrum fluctuations in a two-dimensional model and the associated specific heat
J Barojas, E Cota, E Blaisten-Barojas, J Flores, PA Mello
Annals of Physics 107 (1-2), 95-109, 1977
Correlation and symmetry effects in transport through an artificial molecule
F Ramirez, E Cota, SE Ulloa
Physical Review B 59 (8), 5717, 1999
Quasienergy spectrum and tunneling current in ac-driven triple quantum dot shuttles
J Villavicencio, I Maldonado, E Cota, G Platero
New Journal of Physics 13 (2), 023032, 2011
Level repulsion in the ground-state region of nuclei
E Cota, J Flores, PA Mello, E Yépez
Physics Letters B 53 (1), 32-34, 1974
Tunnel spectroscopy in ac-driven quantum dot nanoresonators
J Villavicencio, I Maldonado, R Sánchez, E Cota, G Platero
Applied Physics Letters 92 (19), 2008
Spin-orbit effects in a triple quantum dot shuttle
J Villavicencio, I Maldonado, E Cota, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (24), 245305, 2013
Resonant tunnelling through a nonlinear electrified chain
E Cota, JV Jose, G Monsivais
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (2), L57, 1992
A simple way to understand the origin of the electron band structure
E Cota, J Flores, G Monsivais
American Journal of Physics 56 (4), 366-372, 1988
Magnetic field and dissipation effects on the charge polarization in quantum cellular automata
F Rojas, E Cota, SE Ulloa
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 3 (1), 37-41, 2004
Dissipative dynamics in quantum dot cell Arrays
E Cota, F Rojas, SE Ulloa
physica status solidi (b) 230 (2), 377-383, 2002
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