Gary R. Byerly
Gary R. Byerly
Emeritus Professor of Geology, Louisiana State University
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Chemical Diversity of Abyssal Volcanic Glass Erupted Along Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean Sea-Floor Spreading Centers. Chapter 30
WG Melson, TL Vallier, TL Wright, G Byerly, J Nelen
Geophysical Monograph, no. 19, 351-368, 1976
Chronology of early Archaean granite-greenstone evolution in the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa, based on precise dating by single zircon evaporation
A Kruener, GR Byerly, DR Lowe
Earth and planetary science letters 103, 41-54, 1991
IIb trioctahedral chlorite from the Barberton greenstone belt: crystal structure and rock composition constraints with implications to geothermometry
X Xie, GR Byerly, RE Ferrell Jr
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 126 (3), 275-291, 1997
Prolonged magmatism and time constraints for sediment deposition in the early Archean Barberton greenstone belt: evidence from the Upper Onverwacht and Fig Tree groups
GR Byerly, A Kröner, DR Lowe, W Todt, MM Walsh
Precambrian Research 78 (1-3), 125-138, 1996
The oldest part of the Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain, South Africa: evidence for crust formation between 3.5 and 3.7 Ga
A Kröner, E Hegner, JI Wendt, GR Byerly
Precambrian Research 78 (1-3), 105-124, 1996
Stratigraphy of the west-central part of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
DR Lowe, GR Byerly
Stromatolites from the 3,300–3,500-Myr Swaziland Supergroup, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa
GR Byerly, DR Lower, MM Walsh
Nature Publishing Group 319 (6053), 489-491, 1986
The influence of alteration on the trace-element and Nd isotopic compositions of komatiites
Y Lahaye, N Arndt, G Byerly, C Chauvel, S Fourcade, G Gruau
Chemical Geology 126 (1), 43-64, 1995
Spherule beds 3.47-3.24 billion years old in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: a record of large meteorite impacts and their influence on early crustal and …
DR Lowe, GR Byerly, FT Kyte, A Shukolyukov, F Asaro, A Krull
Astrobiology 3 (1), 7-48, 2003
An Overview of the Geology of the Barberton Greenstone Belt and Vicinity: Implications for Early Crustal Development
DR Lowe, GR Byerly
Developments in Precambrian Geology 15, 481-526, 2007
Rhyodacites, andesites, ferro-basalts and ocean tholeiites from the Galapagos spreading center
GR Byerly, WG Melson, PR Vogt
Earth and planetary science letters 30 (2), 215-221, 1976
An Archean impact layer from the Pilbara and Kaapvaal cratons
GR Byerly, DR Lowe, JL Wooden, X Xie
Science 297 (5585), 1325-1327, 2002
Geological and geochemical record of 3400-million-year-old terrestrial meteorite impacts
DR Lowe, GR Byerly, F Asaro, FJ Kyte
Science 245 (4921), 959, 1989
Early Archean silicate spherules of probable impact origin, South Africa and Western Australia
DR Lowe, GR Byerly
Geology 14 (1), 83-86, 1986
Early Archean spherule beds: Chromium isotopes confirm origin through multiple impacts of projectiles of carbonaceous chondrite type: Comment and Reply
A Glikson, FT Kyte, A Shukolyukov, D Lowe, G Byerly
Geology 31 (1), e36-e37, 2003
A new model for Barberton komatiites: deep critical melting with high melt retention
CCM Robin-Popieul, NT Arndt, C Chauvel, GR Byerly, AV Sobolev, ...
Journal of Petrology 53 (11), 2191-2229, 2012
A catalog of the major element chemistry of abyssal volcanic glasses
WG Melson, GR Byerly, JA Nelen, T O'Hearn, TL Wright, T Vallier
Smithsonian Contrib. Earth Sci 19, 31-60, 1977
Geologic map of the Chelan 30-minute by 60-minute quadrangle, Washington, with accompanying report
RW Tabor, VA Frizzell, JT Whetten, RB Waitt, DA Swanson, GR Byerly, ...
Map I-1661. Denver, CO: US Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1987
Insights into early Earth from Barberton komatiites: evidence from lithophile isotope and trace element systematics
IS Puchtel, J Blichert-Toft, M Touboul, RJ Walker, GR Byerly, EG Nisbet, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 108, 63-90, 2013
Spinel from Archean impact spherules
GR Byerly, DR Lowe
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 (16), 3469-3486, 1994
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Articles 1–20