Jaemin Jung
Jaemin Jung
Texas A&M University
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Cited by
Heapo: Heap-based persistent object store
T Hwang, J Jung, Y Won
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 11 (1), 1-21, 2014
Frash: Exploiting storage class memory in hybrid file system for hierarchical storage
J Jung, Y Won, E Kim, H Shin, B Jeon
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 6 (1), 1-25, 2010
{Barrier-Enabled}{IO} stack for flash storage
Y Won, J Jung, G Choi, J Oh, S Son, J Hwang, S Cho
16th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 18), 211-226, 2018
nvramdisk: A Transactional Block Device Driver for Non-Volatile RAM
J Jung, Y Won
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (2), 589-600, 2015
Enabling CXL memory expansion for in-memory database management systems
M Ahn, A Chang, D Lee, J Gim, J Kim, J Jung, O Rebholz, V Pham, ...
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Data Management on New …, 2022
FRASH: Hierarchical file system for FRAM and Flash
E Kim, H Shin, B Jeon, S Han, J Jung, Y Won
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2007: International …, 2007
Optimizing Data Movement with Near-Memory Acceleration of In-memory DBMS.
D Lee, A Chang, M Ahn, J Gim, J Kim, J Jung, KW Choi, V Pham, ...
EDBT, 371-374, 2020
Virtualize and share non-volatile memories in user space
CC Chou, J Jung, ALN Reddy, PV Gratz, D Voigt
CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing 2, 16-35, 2020
vnvml: An efficient user space library for virtualizing and sharing non-volatile memories
CC Chou, J Jung, ALN Reddy, PV Gratz, D Voigt
2019 35th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 103-115, 2019
Shadow block: Imposing block device abstraction on storage class memory
J Jung, J Choi, Y Won, S Kang
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Support for Portable …, 2009
Bringing order to chaos: Barrier-enabled I/O stack for flash storage
Y Won, J Oh, J Jung, G Choi, S Son, J Hwang, S Cho
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 14 (3), 1-29, 2018
Supporting block device abstraction on storage class memory
J Jung, Y Won, S Kang
Proceedings of Workshop on Computing with Massive and Persistent Data (CMPD08), 2008
In-memory database (imdb) acceleration through near data processing
AZ Chang, VT Pham, J JaeMin
US Patent App. 18/513,484, 2024
Expanding System Memory Boundaries Through CXL-Enabled Device-A Case Study
A Chang, J Jung, M Ahn, DH Lee, V Pham, S Lyu, J Kim
Li, Jingwei 269 Li, Jun 126
E Anger, Q Cao, F Cappello, F Chen, X Chen, X Chen, L Cheng, RF Chiu, ...
Addressing Scalability and Consistency Issues in Hybrid File System for BPRAM and NAND Flash
Q Taizhong, J Yoo, J Jung, Y Won
FastIO: Eliminating the Deserialization Overhead in Launching Web Applications
J Jung, Y Won
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Articles 1–17