Tahu Kukutai
Cited by
Cited by
Indigenous data sovereignty: Toward an agenda
T Kukutai, J Taylor
ANU press, 2016
Indigenous data sovereignty and policy
M Walter, T Kukutai, SR Carroll, D Rodriguez-Lonebear
Taylor & Francis, 2021
Rights, interests and expectations: Indigenous perspectives on unrestricted access to genomic data
M Hudson, NA Garrison, R Sterling, NR Caron, K Fox, J Yracheta, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 21 (6), 377-384, 2020
The problem of defining an ethnic group for public policy: Who is Maori and why does it matter
T Kukutai
Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 23 (23), 86-108, 2004
Data sovereignty for indigenous peoples: current practice and future needs
T Kukutai, J Taylor
Indigenous data sovereignty: Toward an agenda, 2016
Good data practices for Indigenous data sovereignty and governance
R Lovett, V Lee, T Kukutai, D Cormack, SC Rainie, J Walker
Good data, 26-36, 2019
Indigenous data sovereignty
SC Rainie, T Kukutai, M Walter, OL Figueroa-Rodríguez, J Walker, ...
African Minds and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2019
The field of Indigenous health and the role of colonisation and history
P Axelsson, T Kukutai, R Kippen
Journal of Population Research 33, 1-7, 2016
Recognition and indigenizing official statistics: Reflections from Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia
T Kukutai, M Walter
Statistical Journal of the IAOS 31 (2), 317-326, 2015
Estimated inequities in COVID-19 infection fatality rates by ethnicity for Aotearoa New Zealand
N Steyn, RN Binny, K Hannah, SC Hendy, A James, T Kukutai, A Lustig, ...
Medrxiv, 2020.04. 20.20073437, 2020
Indigenous health data and the path to healing
J Walker, R Lovett, T Kukutai, C Jones, D Henry
The Lancet 390 (10107), 2022-2023, 2017
White Mothers, Brown Children: Ethnic Identification of Maori‐European Children in New Zealand
TH Kukutai
Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (5), 1150-1161, 2007
The dynamics of ethnicity reporting: Maori in New Zealand
T Kukutai
Te Puni Kokiri, 2003
A" main" ethnic group? Ethnic self-prioritisation among New Zealand youth.
T Kukutai, P Callister
Social policy journal of New Zealand, 2009
Data and the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples
M Davis, T Kukutai, J Taylor
Indigenous data sovereignty: Toward an agenda 38, 25-38, 2016
In Search of Ethnic New Zealanders: National Naming in the 2006 Census.
T Kukutai, R Didham
Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 2009
Indigenous data sovereignty
J Taylor, T Kukutai
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR), 2016
Indigenous peoples' data during COVID-19: from external to internal
SR Carroll, R Akee, P Chung, D Cormack, T Kukutai, R Lovett, M Suina, ...
Frontiers in Sociology 6, 617895, 2021
Mana motuhake ā-raraunga: datafication and social science research in Aotearoa
T Kukutai, D Cormack
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 14 (2), 201-208, 2019
Statistics on indigenous peoples: International effort needed
R Madden, P Axelsson, T Kukutai, K Griffiths, C Storm Mienna, N Brown, ...
Statistical Journal of the IAOS 32 (1), 37-41, 2016
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Articles 1–20