Julie Cederbaum
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Cited by
Well-being and suicidal ideation of secondary school students from military families
JA Cederbaum, TD Gilreath, R Benbenishty, RA Astor, D Pineda, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 54 (6), 672-677, 2014
Talking to daddy’s little girl about sex: Daughters’ reports of sexual communication and support from fathers
MK Hutchinson, JA Cederbaum
Journal of Family Issues 32 (4), 550-572, 2011
Mobilizing homeless youth for HIV prevention: a social network analysis of the acceptability of a face-to-face and online social networking intervention
E Rice, E Tulbert, J Cederbaum, A Barman Adhikari, NG Milburn
Health education research 27 (2), 226-236, 2012
Multisystem factors contributing to disparities in preventive health care among lesbian women
MK Hutchinson, AC Thompson, JA Cederbaum
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 35 (3), 393-402, 2006
Parent—adolescent communication about sexual pressure, maternal norms about relationship power, and STI/HIV protective behaviors of minority urban girls
AM Teitelman, SJ Ratcliffe, JA Cederbaum
Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 14 (1), 50-60, 2008
A population-level and longitudinal study of adolescent mothers and intergenerational maltreatment
E Putnam-Hornstein, JA Cederbaum, B King, AL Eastman, PK Trickett
American Journal of Epidemiology 181 (7), 496-503, 2015
Substance use among military-connected youth: the California Healthy Kids Survey
TD Gilreath, JA Cederbaum, RA Astor, R Benbenishty, D Pineda, H Atuel
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 44 (2), 150-153, 2013
Clinical instruction: Using the strengths-based approach with nursing students
J Cederbaum, HA Klusaritz
Journal of Nursing Education 48 (8), 422-428, 2009
Beyond recidivism: How formerly incarcerated women define success
G Heidemann, JA Cederbaum, S Martinez
Affilia 31 (1), 24-40, 2016
Wounded healers: How formerly incarcerated women help themselves by helping others
G Heidemann, JA Cederbaum, S Martinez, TP LeBel
Punishment & Society 18 (1), 3-26, 2016
A cross-sectional examination of birth rates among adolescent girls in foster care
B King, E Putnam-Hornstein, JA Cederbaum, B Needell
Children and Youth Services Review 36, 179-186, 2014
Sexually transmitted infection among adolescents receiving special education services
DS Mandell, CC Eleey, JA Cederbaum, E Noll, M Katherine Hutchinson, ...
Journal of School Health 78 (7), 382-388, 2008
“We walk through it together”: The importance of peer support for formerly incarcerated women's success
G Heidemann, JA Cederbaum, S Martinez
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 53 (7), 522-542, 2014
Childhood sexual abuse and current suicidal ideation among adolescents: Problem-focused and emotion-focused coping skills
Y Yoon, JA Cederbaum, A Schwartz
Journal of Adolescence 67, 120-128, 2018
Investigation of menopausal stage and symptoms on cognition in human immunodeficiency virus–infected women
LH Rubin, EE Sundermann, JA Cook, EM Martin, ET Golub, KM Weber, ...
Menopause 21 (9), 997-1006, 2014
Prevalence and correlates of victimization and weapon carrying among military-and nonmilitary-connected youth in Southern California
TD Gilreath, RA Astor, JA Cederbaum, H Atuel, R Benbenishty
Preventive medicine 60, 21-26, 2014
Pregnancy attitudes, contraceptive service utilization, and other factors associated with Los Angeles homeless youths’ use of effective contraception and withdrawal
H Winetrobe, H Rhoades, A Barman-Adhikari, J Cederbaum, E Rice, ...
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 26 (6), 314-322, 2013
Psychosocial issues and coping strategies in families affected by urea cycle disorders
JA Cederbaum, C LeMons, M Rosen, M Ahrens, S Vonachen, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 138 (1), S72-S80, 2001
District, school, and community stakeholder perspectives on the experiences of military-connected students
KT De Pedro, MC Esqueda, JA Cederbaum, RA Astor
Teachers College Record 116 (4), 1-32, 2014
A population-based examination of maltreatment history among adolescent mothers in California
E Putnam-Hornstein, JA Cederbaum, B King, J Cleveland, B Needell
Journal of Adolescent Health 53 (6), 794-797, 2013
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