Sebastien Boutet
Sebastien Boutet
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Cited by
Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography
HN Chapman, P Fromme, A Barty, TA White, RA Kirian, A Aquila, ...
Nature 470 (7332), 73-77, 2011
Femtosecond diffractive imaging with a soft-X-ray free-electron laser
HN Chapman, A Barty, MJ Bogan, S Boutet, M Frank, SP Hau-Riege, ...
Nature Physics 2 (12), 839-843, 2006
Single mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser
MM Seibert, T Ekeberg, FRNC Maia, M Svenda, J Andreasson, O Jönsson, ...
Nature 470 (7332), 78-81, 2011
High-resolution protein structure determination by serial femtosecond crystallography
S Boutet, L Lomb, GJ Williams, TRM Barends, A Aquila, RB Doak, ...
Science 337 (6092), 362-364, 2012
Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser
Y Kang, XE Zhou, X Gao, Y He, W Liu, A Ishchenko, A Barty, TA White, ...
Nature 523 (7562), 561-567, 2015
Linac coherent light source: The first five years
C Bostedt, S Boutet, DM Fritz, Z Huang, HJ Lee, HT Lemke, A Robert, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 88 (1), 015007, 2016
Structure of the toxic core of α-synuclein from invisible crystals
JA Rodriguez, MI Ivanova, MR Sawaya, D Cascio, FE Reyes, D Shi, ...
Nature 525 (7570), 486-490, 2015
Lipidic cubic phase injector facilitates membrane protein serial femtosecond crystallography
U Weierstall, D James, C Wang, TA White, D Wang, W Liu, JCH Spence, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3309, 2014
Natively inhibited Trypanosoma brucei cathepsin B structure determined by using an X-ray laser
L Redecke, K Nass, DP DePonte, TA White, D Rehders, A Barty, F Stellato, ...
Science 339 (6116), 227-230, 2013
Time-resolved serial crystallography captures high-resolution intermediates of photoactive yellow protein
J Tenboer, S Basu, N Zatsepin, K Pande, D Milathianaki, M Frank, ...
Science 346 (6214), 1242-1246, 2014
Serial femtosecond crystallography of G protein–coupled receptors
W Liu, D Wacker, C Gati, GW Han, D James, D Wang, G Nelson, ...
Science 342 (6165), 1521-1524, 2013
Serial time-resolved crystallography of photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser
C Kupitz, S Basu, I Grotjohann, R Fromme, NA Zatsepin, KN Rendek, ...
Nature 513 (7517), 261-265, 2014
Ultrafast X-ray probing of water structure below the homogeneous ice nucleation temperature
JA Sellberg, C Huang, TA McQueen, ND Loh, H Laksmono, ...
Nature 510 (7505), 381-384, 2014
Structures of the intermediates of Kok’s photosynthetic water oxidation clock
J Kern, R Chatterjee, ID Young, FD Fuller, L Lassalle, M Ibrahim, S Gul, ...
Nature 563 (7731), 421-425, 2018
Simultaneous femtosecond X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction of photosystem II at room temperature
J Kern, R Alonso-Mori, R Tran, J Hattne, RJ Gildea, N Echols, C Glöckner, ...
Science 340 (6131), 491-495, 2013
Femtosecond structural dynamics drives the trans/cis isomerization in photoactive yellow protein
K Pande, CDM Hutchison, G Groenhof, A Aquila, JS Robinson, J Tenboer, ...
Science 352 (6286), 725-729, 2016
Direct observation of ultrafast collective motions in CO myoglobin upon ligand dissociation
TRM Barends, L Foucar, A Ardevol, K Nass, A Aquila, S Botha, RB Doak, ...
Science 350 (6259), 445-450, 2015
Structure of the angiotensin receptor revealed by serial femtosecond crystallography
H Zhang, H Unal, C Gati, GW Han, W Liu, NA Zatsepin, D James, D Wang, ...
Cell 161 (4), 833-844, 2015
Structure of photosystem II and substrate binding at room temperature
ID Young, M Ibrahim, R Chatterjee, S Gul, FD Fuller, S Koroidov, ...
Nature 540 (7633), 453-457, 2016
Single particle X-ray diffractive imaging
MJ Bogan, WH Benner, S Boutet, U Rohner, M Frank, A Barty, MM Seibert, ...
Nano letters 8 (1), 310-316, 2008
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Articles 1–20