Joseph Lakey
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Cited by
Spaces of bounded lambda-central mean oscillation, Morrey spaces, and lambda-central Carleson measures
J Alvarez, J Lakey, M Guzmán-Partida
Collectanea Mathematica 51 (3), 1-47, 2000
Duration and bandwidth limiting: prolate functions, sampling, and applications
JA Hogan, JD Lakey, JD Lakey
Birkhäuser, 2012
Time-frequency and time-scale methods: adaptive decompositions, uncertainty principles, and sampling
JA Hogan, JD Lakey
Birkhauser, 2005
Data-driven and optimal denoising of a signal and recovery of its derivative using multiwavelets
S Efromovich, J Lakey, MC Pereyra, N Tymes
IEEE transactions on signal processing 52 (3), 628-635, 2004
Smooth molecular decompositions of functions and singular integral operators
JE Gilbert, YS Han, JA Hogan, J Lakey, D Weiland, G Weiss
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 2002
Extensions of the Heisenberg group by dilations and frames
JA Hogan, JD Lakey
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 2 (2), 174-199, 1995
The definition of the Fourier transform for weighted inequalities
JJ Benedetto, JD Lakey
Journal of functional analysis 120 (2), 403-439, 1994
Frame properties of shifts of prolate spheroidal wave functions
JA Hogan, JD Lakey
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 39 (1), 21-32, 2015
Embeddings and uncertainty principles for generalized modulation spaces
JA Hogan, JD Lakey
Modern Sampling Theory: Mathematics and Applications, 73-105, 2001
Divergence-free multiwavelets on rectangular domains
J Lakey, MC Pereyra
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 203-240, 2000
Sampling approximations for time-and bandlimiting
JA Hogan, S Izu, JD Lakey
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing 9, 91-117, 2010
Hardy’s theorem and rotations
J Hogan, J Lakey
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 134 (5), 1459-1466, 2006
Time-frequency localization and sampling of multiband signals
S Izu, JD Lakey
Acta applicandae mathematicae 107, 399-435, 2009
On a characterization of the local Hardy space by Gabor
JE Gilbert, JD Lakey
Wavelets, Frames, and Operator Theory: Focused Research Group Workshop on …, 2004
On the numerical evaluation of bandpass prolates II
JA Hogan, JD Lakey
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 23, 125-140, 2017
Divergence-free multiwavelets
JD Lakey, PR Massopust, MC Pereyra
Approximation theory IX 2, 161-168, 1998
Detecting mental commands in high-frequency EEG: faster brain-machine interfaces
JK Kroger, L Elliott, TN Wong, J Lakey, H Dang, J George
Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, 2006
Constructive decomposition of functions of finite central mean oscillation
J Lakey
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 127 (8), 2375-2384, 1999
Sampling and oversampling in shift-invariant and multiresolution spaces I: Validation of sampling schemes
JA Hogan, JD Lakey
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information …, 2005
Duration and Bandwidth Limiting. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis
JA Hogan, JD Lakey
Birkhäuser/Springer, New York, 2012
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Articles 1–20