Heather Constable
Cited by
Cited by
VertNet: a new model for biodiversity data sharing
H Constable, R Guralnick, J Wieczorek, C Spencer, AT Peterson, ...
PLoS biology 8 (2), e1000309, 2010
Multi-species coastal marine connectivity: a literature review with recommendations for further research
JPA Gardner, JJ Bell, HB Constable, D Hannan, PA Ritchie, ...
New Zealand aquatic environment and biodiversity report 58, 2010
VertNet: creating a data-sharing community
R Guralnick, H Constable
BioScience 60 (4), 258-259, 2010
Echinothurioid phylogeny and the phylogenetic significance of Kamptosoma (Echinoidea: Echinodermata)
R Mooi, H Constable, S Lockhart, J Pearse
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (14-16), 1903-1919, 2004
THE VERTNET STEERING COMMITTEE. 2010. Vertnet: a new model for biodiversity data sharing
H Constable, R Guralnick, J Wieczorek, C Spencer, AT Peterson
PLoS Biology 8, e1000309, 0
Genetic connectivity amongst New Zealand's open sandy shore and estuarine coastal taxa
DA Hannan, HB Constable, CNS Silva, JJ Bell, PA Ritchie, J Gardner
Ministry for Primary Industries, Manatū Ahu Matua, 2016
Population structure, temporal stability and seascape genetics of two endemic New Zealand Pleuronectiformes, Rhombosolea plebeia (sand flounder) and R. leporina (yellowbelly …
HB Constable
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2014
Summary of South American records of the smalltooth sand tiger shark Odontaspis ferox (Chondrichthys: Odontaspidae), with the first record from Chilean waters
D Long, E Sala, E Ballesteros, JE Caselle, AM Friedlander, A Klapfer, ...
Marine Biodiversity Records 7 (e67), 1-4, 2014
Georeferencing quick reference guide
J Wieczorek, D Bloom, H Constable, J Fang, M Koo, C Spencer, ...
version 2012-10-08. Website https://www. idigbio. org/wiki/images/1/1e …, 2012
Sharing: lessons from natural history's success story
R Guralnick, H Constable, J Wieczorek, C Moritz, AT Peterson
Nature 462 (7269), 34-34, 2009
Georeferencing quick reference guide version 2012-10-08
J Wieczorek, D Bloom, H Constable, J Fang, M Koo, C Spencer, ...
Population genetics of juvenile Sebastes jordani, shortbelly rockfish, along the California coast
H Constable
San Francisco State University, 2007
Phylogenetic analysis of echinothurioids, deep-sea echinoids with venomous spines.
H Constable, R Mooi
Integrative and Comparative Biology 42 (6), 1211-1211, 2002
The VertNet Steering Committee 2010
H Constable, R Guralnick, J Wieczorek, C Spencer, AT Peterson
Vertnet: a new model for biodiversity data sharing. PLoS Biol 8, e1000309, 0
Acknowledgements to the planning team
H Constable, J Goodwin
University of California, Berkeley 4, 6, 2018
Community Page-VertNet: A New Model for Biodiversity Data Sharing
H Constable, R Guralnick, J Wieczorek, C Spencer, AT Peterson
PLoS Biology 8 (2), 322, 2010
Georeferencing for Dummies
J Wieczorek, D Bloom, H Constable, J Fang, M Koo, C Spencer, ...
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Articles 1–17