Articles with public access mandates - Gideon F. SmithLearn more
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Understanding and monitoring the consequences of human impacts on intraspecific variation
M Mimura, T Yahara, DP Faith, E Vázquez‐Domínguez, RI Colautti, ...
Evolutionary applications 10 (2), 121-139, 2017
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
A synopsis of feral Agave and Furcraea (Agavaceae, Asparagaceae s. lat.) in the Canary Islands (Spain)
F Verloove, J Thiede, ÁM Rodríguez, M Salas-Pascual, ...
Plant Ecology and Evolution 152 (3), 470-498, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Report of the Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils)
ME Barkworth, M Watson, FR Barrie, IV Belyaeva, RCK Chung, J Dašková, ...
Taxon 65 (3), 670-672, 2016
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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