R Ford Denison
R Ford Denison
Adjunct Professor, Univ. Minnesota, Twin Cities; Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis
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Cited by
Host sanctions and the legume–rhizobium mutualism
ET Kiers, RA Rousseau, SA West, RF Denison
Nature 425 (6953), 78-81, 2003
The relationship between carbon input, aggregation, and soil organic carbon stabilization in sustainable cropping systems
AYY Kong, J Six, DC Bryant, RF Denison, C Van Kessel
Soil science society of America journal 69 (4), 1078-1085, 2005
Experimental evolution of multicellularity
WC Ratcliff, RF Denison, M Borrello, M Travisano
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (5), 1595-1600, 2012
Application of real-time PCR to study effects of ammonium on population size of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in soil
Y Okano, KR Hristova, CM Leutenegger, LE Jackson, RF Denison, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 70 (2), 1008-1016, 2004
Ten-year comparison of the influence of organic and conventional crop management practices on the content of flavonoids in tomatoes
AE Mitchell, YJ Hong, E Koh, DM Barrett, DE Bryant, RF Denison, S Kaffka
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 55 (15), 6154-6159, 2007
Legume sanctions and the evolution of symbiotic cooperation by rhizobia
RF Denison
The American Naturalist 156 (6), 567-576, 2000
Sanctions and mutualism stability: why do rhizobia fix nitrogen?
SA West, ET Kiers, EL Simms, RF Denison
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Sanctions, cooperation, and the stability of plant-rhizosphere mutualisms
ET Kiers, RF Denison
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 39 (1), 215-236, 2008
Applying evolutionary biology to address global challenges
SP Carroll, PS Jørgensen, MT Kinnison, CT Bergstrom, RF Denison, ...
science 346 (6207), 1245993, 2014
Evolutionary principles and their practical application
AP Hendry, MT Kinnison, M Heino, T Day, TB Smith, G Fitt, CT Bergstrom, ...
Evolutionary Applications 4 (2), 159-183, 2011
Lifestyle alternatives for rhizobia: mutualism, parasitism, and forgoing symbiosis
RF Denison, ET Kiers
FEMS microbiology letters 237 (2), 187-193, 2004
Life histories of symbiotic rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi
RF Denison, ET Kiers
Current Biology 21 (18), R775-R785, 2011
Human selection and the relaxation of legume defences against ineffective rhizobia
ET Kiers, MG Hutton, RF Denison
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1629), 3119-3126, 2007
Darwinian agriculture: how understanding evolution can improve agriculture
RF Denison
Princeton University Press, 2012
Darwinian agriculture: when can humans find solutions beyond the reach of natural selection?
RF Denison, ET Kiers, SA West
The quarterly review of biology 78 (2), 145-168, 2003
Evolution in agriculture: the application of evolutionary approaches to the management of biotic interactions in agro‐ecosystems
PH Thrall, JG Oakeshott, G Fitt, S Southerton, JJ Burdon, A Sheppard, ...
Evolutionary applications 4 (2), 200-215, 2011
Sanctions and mutualism stability: when should less beneficial mutualists be tolerated?
SA West, ET Kiers, I Pen, RF Denison
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15 (5), 830-837, 2002
Yield increases during the organic transition: improving soil quality or increasing experience?
EA Martini, JS Buyer, DC Bryant, TK Hartz, RF Denison
Field Crops Research 86 (2-3), 255-266, 2004
Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) supports survival and reproduction in starving rhizobia
WC Ratcliff, SV Kadam, RF Denison
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 65 (3), 391-399, 2008
Failure to fix nitrogen by non-reproductive symbiotic rhizobia triggers host sanctions that reduce fitness of their reproductive clonemates
R Oono, CG Anderson, RF Denison
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1718), 2698-2703, 2011
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Articles 1–20