James Buntrock
James Buntrock
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Automating the assignment of diagnosis codes to patient encounters using example-based and machine learning techniques
SVS Pakhomov, JD Buntrock, CG Chute
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 13 (5), 516-525, 2006
Mayo clinic NLP system for patient smoking status identification
GK Savova, PV Ogren, PH Duffy, JD Buntrock, CG Chute
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 15 (1), 25-28, 2008
Toward a learning health-care system–knowledge delivery at the point of care empowered by big data and NLP
VC Kaggal, RK Elayavilli, S Mehrabi, JJ Pankratz, S Sohn, Y Wang, D Li, ...
Biomedical informatics insights 8, BII. S37977, 2016
Prospective recruitment of patients with congestive heart failure using an ad-hoc binary classifier
SV Pakhomov, J Buntrock, CG Chute
Journal of biomedical informatics 38 (2), 145-153, 2005
LexGrid: a framework for representing, storing, and querying biomedical terminologies from simple to sublime
J Pathak, HR Solbrig, JD Buntrock, TM Johnson, CG Chute
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 16 (3), 305-315, 2009
UIMA-based clinical information extraction system
G Savova, K Kipper-Schuler, J Buntrock, C Chute
Towards enhanced interoperability for large HLT systems: UIMA for NLP 39, 2008
BioPortal: ontologies and data resources with the click of a mouse
M Musen, N Shah, N Noy, B Dai, M Dorf, N Griffith, JD Buntrock, ...
AMIA Annu Symp Proc 6, 1223-1224, 2008
Detecting social and behavioral determinants of health with structured and free-text clinical data
DJ Feller, OJB Don't Walk, J Zucker, MT Yin, P Gordon, N Elhadad
Applied clinical informatics 11 (01), 172-181, 2020
A randomized controlled trial of the accuracy of clinical record retrieval using SNOMED-RT as compared with ICD9-CM.
PL Elkin, AP Ruggieri, SH Brown, J Buntrock, BA Bauer, ...
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, 159, 2001
Big data and the electronic health record
SG Peters, JD Buntrock
The Journal of ambulatory care management 37 (3), 206-210, 2014
High throughput modularized NLP system for clinical text
S Pakhomov, J Buntrock, P Duffy
Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions, 25-28, 2005
Context-sensitive term expansion with multiple levels of expansion
RD Dettinger, DG Herbeck, JW Tenner, EW Will, CG Chute, JD Buntrock, ...
US Patent 7,617,196, 2009
Medical information retrieval and WWW browsers at Mayo.
CG Chute, DL Crowson, JD Buntrock
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care, 903, 1995
Building and evaluating annotated corpora for medical NLP systems
PV Ogren, G Savova, JD Buntrock, CG Chute
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2006, 1050, 2006
An evaluation of computer assisted clinical classification algorithms.
CG Chute, Y Yang, J Buntrock
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care, 162, 1994
Identification of Patients with Congestive Heart Failure using a binary classifier: a case study.
S Pakhomov, J Buntrock, C Chute
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop on Natural Language Processing in …, 2003
LexValueSets: an approach for context-driven value sets extraction
J Pathak, G Jiang, SO Dwarkanath, JD Buntrock, CG Chute
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2008, 556, 2008
Text analysis integration into a medical information retrieval system: challenges related to word sense disambiguation
AR Coden, GK Savova, JD Buntrock, IL Sominsky, PV Ogren, CG Chute, ...
Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical …, 2007
Using Compund Codes for Automatic Classification of Clinical Diagnoses.
SV Pakhomov, JD Buntrock, CG Chute
MEDINFO 2004, 411-415, 2004
Context-sensitive term expansion with multiple levels of expansion
RD Dettinger, DG Herbeck, JW Tenner, EW Will, C Chute, J Buntrock, ...
US Patent 8,086,623, 2011
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Articles 1–20