John C. Liechty
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Cited by
Modeling online browsing and path analysis using clickstream data
AL Montgomery, S Li, K Srinivasan, JC Liechty
Marketing science 23 (4), 579-595, 2004
Portfolio selection with higher moments
CR Harvey, JC Liechty, MW Liechty, P Müller
Quantitative Finance 10 (5), 469-485, 2010
Incentive-aligned conjoint analysis
M Ding, R Grewal, J Liechty
Journal of marketing research 42 (1), 67-82, 2005
Choice menus for mass customization: An experimental approach for analyzing customer demand with an application to a web-based information service
J Liechty, V Ramaswamy, SH Cohen
Journal of Marketing research 38 (2), 183-196, 2001
Beyond conjoint analysis: Advances in preference measurement
O Netzer, O Toubia, ET Bradlow, E Dahan, T Evgeniou, FM Feinberg, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 337-354, 2008
Global and local covert visual attention: Evidence from a Bayesian hidden Markov model
J Liechty, R Pieters, M Wedel
Psychometrika 68, 519-541, 2003
Bayesian correlation estimation
JC Liechty, MW Liechty, P Müller
Biometrika 91 (1), 1-14, 2004
Single-pass low-storage arbitrary probabilistic location estimation for massive data sets
JC Liechty, JP Mcdermott, DKJ Lin
US Patent 7,076,487, 2006
Offering online recommendations with minimum customer input through conjoint-based decision aids
A De Bruyn, JC Liechty, EKRE Huizingh, GL Lilien
Marketing Science 27 (3), 443-460, 2008
Dynamic models incorporating individual heterogeneity: Utility evolution in conjoint analysis
JC Liechty, DKH Fong, WS DeSarbo
Marketing Science 24 (2), 285-293, 2005
Attention switching during scene perception: how goals influence the time course of eye movements across advertisements.
M Wedel, R Pieters, J Liechty
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 14 (2), 129, 2008
Counting chickens before the eggs hatch: Associating new product development portfolios with shareholder expectations in the pharmaceutical sector
R Grewal, A Chakravarty, M Ding, J Liechty
International Journal of Research in Marketing 25 (4), 261-272, 2008
Automated factor slice sampling
MM Tibbits, C Groendyke, M Haran, JC Liechty
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 23 (2), 543-563, 2014
Parallel multivariate slice sampling
MM Tibbits, M Haran, JC Liechty
Statistics and Computing 21, 415-430, 2011
Bayes vs. resampling: a rematch
C Harvey, J Liechty, M Liechty
Journal of Investment Management 6 (1), 29-45, 2008
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for switching diffusion models
JC Liechty, GO Roberts
Biometrika 88 (2), 299-315, 2001
Modeling category viewership of web users with multivariate count models
S Li, JC Liechty, AL Montgomery
revise and resubmit, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2002
Closed-form asymptotics and numerical approximations of 1D parabolic equations with applications to option pricing
W Cheng, N Costanzino, J Liechty, A Mazzucato, V Nistor
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 2 (1), 901-934, 2011
Predicting online purchase conversion using web path analysis
AL Montgomery, S Li, K Srinivasan, JC Liechty
Marketing Science 23 (4), 579-595, 2004
Perspectives on Bayesian methods and big data
GM Allenby, ET Bradlow, EI George, J Liechty, RE McCulloch
Customer Needs and Solutions 1, 169-175, 2014
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Articles 1–20