Claude-Michel Brauner
Claude-Michel Brauner
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A general approach to stability in free boundary problems
CM Brauner, J Hulshof, A Lunardi
Journal of Differential Equations 164 (1), 16-48, 2000
On nonlinear eigenvalue problems which extend into free boundaries problems
CM Brauner, B Nicolaenko
Bifurcation and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: Proceedings, Université de …, 2006
Instabilities in a two-dimensional combustion model with free boundary
CM Brauner, A Lunardi
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 154, 157-182, 2000
Stability of travelling waves with interface conditions
CM Brauner, A Lunardi, C Schmidt-Lainé
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 19 (5), 455-474, 1992
Heterogeneous viral environment in a HIV spatial model
CM Brauner, D Jolly, L Lorenzi, R Thiebaut
arXiv preprint arXiv:0905.2023, 2009
Nonlinear eigenvalue problems in elliptic variational inequalities: a local study: Nonlinear eigenvalue problems in elliptic variational inequalities
F Conrad, F Issard-Roch, CM Brauner, B Nicolaenko
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 10 (2), 151-190, 1985
La France en fiches
B Braun, F Collignon
Editions Bréal, 2008
Analytical and numerical study of the densification of carbon/carbon composites by a film-boiling chemical vapor infiltration process
N Nadeau, GL Vignoles, CM Brauner
Chemical engineering science 61 (22), 7509-7527, 2006
Homographic approximations of free boundary problems characterized by elliptic variational inequalities
C Brauner, B Nicolaenko
Advances in Mathematics, 1982
Sur une classe de problemes elliptiques non linéaires
CM Brauner, B Nicolaenko
CR Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. AB 286 (21), A1007-A1010, 1978
Weakly nonlinear asymptotics of the kappa-theta model of cellular flames: the QS equation
GI Sivashinsky, ML Frankel, J Hulshof, CM Brauner
Interfaces and Free Boundaries 7 (2), 131-146, 2005
Propagation of a combustion front in a striated solid medium: a homogenization analysis
CM Brauner, PC Fife, G Namah, C Schmidt-Lainé
Quarterly of applied mathematics 51 (3), 467-493, 1993
A new homographic approximation to roultiphase Stefan problems
CM Brauner, M Frémond, B Nicolaenko
Free boundary problems: theory and applications 78, 365, 1983
Nonlinear stability analysis of singular travelling waves in combustion—a one-phase problem
CM Brauner, SN Ebad, C Schmidt-Lainé
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 16 (10), 881-892, 1991
Singular perturbations and free boundary value problems
CM Brauner, B Nicolaenko
A critical case of stability in a free boundary problem
CM Brauner, J Hulshof, A Lunardi
Journal of Evolution Equations 1 (1), 85-113, 2001
Multi-dimensional stability analysis of planar travelling waves
CM Brauner, A Lunardi, C Schmidt-Lainé
Applied Mathematics Letters 7 (5), 1-4, 1994
Identification of parameters in a nonlinear self-consistent system including a Burgers' equation
CM Brauner, P Penel
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 45 (3), 654-681, 1974
A fully nonlinear equation for the flame front in a quasi-steady combustion model
CM Brauner, J Hulshof, L Lorenzi, GI Sivashinsky
arXiv preprint arXiv:0910.5322, 2009
Singular perturbation, multiple solutions and hysteresis in a nonlinear problem
CM Brauner, B Nicolaenko
Singular Perturbations and Boundary Layer Theory: Proceedings of the …, 2006
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Articles 1–20