Mina Son
Cited by
Cited by
A paradigm shift from “human writing” to “machine generation” in personality test development: An application of state-of-the-art natural language processing
P Lee, S Fyffe, M Son, Z Jia, Z Yao
Journal of Business and Psychology 38 (1), 163-190, 2023
Artificial intelligence-based business communication: Application for recruitment and selection
M Son, H Lee, H Chang
Business Communication Research and Practice 2 (2), 84-92, 2019
Investigating the impact of negatively keyed statements on multidimensional forced-choice personality measures: A comparison of partially ipsative and IRT scoring methods
P Lee, SH Joo, S Zhou, M Son
Personality and Individual Differences 191, 111555, 2022
Detecting Careless Respondents in Multidimensional Forced Choice Data: An Application of lz Person-Fit Statistic to the TIRT Model
P Lee, S Joo, M Son
Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-24, 2023
3 초의 목소리를 통한 외향성 판단
신지은, 서은국, 손미나
한국심리학회지: 사회및성격 28 (2), 41-58, 2014
코로나 19 확산에 따른 언론의 일자리 주제 분석
양지윤, 손미나, 노승민
노동정책연구, 197-229, 2021
Identifying Faking Profiles of Job Applicants Using Overclaiming and Social Desirability Scales
M Son, P Lee, VW Cheng, H Lee
Available at SSRN 4399234, 0
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Articles 1–7