Frédéric Grelot
Frédéric Grelot
Chercheur, INRAE, UMR G-EAU
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Review Article: economic evaluation of flood damage to agriculture-review and analysis of existing methods
P Brémond, F Grelot, AL Agenais
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13, p. 2493-p. 2512, 2013
Risk-sharing policies in the context of the French Flood Prevention Action Programmes
K Erdlenbruch, S Thoyer, F Grelot, R Kast, G Enjolras
Journal of environmental management 91 (2), 363-369, 2009
Are flood damage models converging to “reality”? Lessons learnt from a blind test
D Molinari, AR Scorzini, C Arrighi, F Carisi, F Castelli, A Domeneghetti, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (11), 2997-3017, 2020
Ranking sources of uncertainty in flood damage modelling: a case study on the cost-benefit analysis of a flood mitigation project in the Orb Delta, France
N Saint-Geours, F Grelot, JS Bailly, C Lavergne
Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2013
“Functional fit” versus “politics of scale” in the governance of floodplain retention capacity
J Guerrin, G Bouleau, F Grelot
Journal of Hydrology 519, 2405-2414, 2014
Gestion collective des inondations. Peut-on tenir compte de l'avis de la population dans la phase d'évaluation économique a priori?
F Grelot
Ecole nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers-ENSAM, 2004
Multi-scale spatial sensitivity analysis of a model for economic appraisal of flood risk management policies
N Saint-Geours, JS Bailly, F Grelot, C Lavergne
Environmental Modelling & Software 60, 153-166, 2014
Une analyse coût-bénéfice spatialisée de la protection contre des inondations. Application de la méthode des dommages évités à la basse vallée de l'Orb
K Erdlenbruch, É Gilbert, F Grelot, C Lescoulier
Ingénieries Eau-Agriculture-Territoires, p. 3-p. 20, 2008
The economic and livelihood value of provisioning services of the Ga-Mampa wetland, South Africa
O Adekola, S Morardet, R De Groot, F Grelot
13th IWRA World Water Congress, 24 p., 2008
Challenges for local adaptation when governance scales overlap. Evidence from Languedoc, France
C Therville, U Brady, O Barreteau, F Bousquet, R Mathevet, S Dhenain, ...
Regional Environmental Change 19, 1865-1877, 2019
Contribution of provisioning services of the Ga-Mampa wetland, South Africa, to local livelihoods
O Adekola, S Morardet, R de Groot, F Grelot
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2012
Hydro-socio-economic implications for water management strategies: the case of Roussillon coastal aquifer
B Aunay, N Dörfliger, C Duvail, F Grelot, P Le Strat, M Montginoul, ...
Colloque international sur la gestion des grands aquifères, 150è …, 2006
Analysing stakeholders for sustainable wetland management in the Limpopo River basin: the case of Ga-Mampa wetland, South Africa
Y Darradi, F Grelot, S Morardet
Proceedings of the 7th Symposium Mainstreaming IWRM in the Development …, 2006
The impact of flood management policies on individual adaptation actions: Insights from a French case study
C Richert, K Erdlenbruch, F Grelot
Ecological Economics 165, 106387, 2019
Une politique du «vivre avec» un fleuve et ses débordements
A Richard-Ferroudji, N Dupont, S Durand, F Grelot
Vertigo 14 (2), 2014
Analyse de sensibilité globale d’un modèle spatialisé pour l’évaluation économique du risque d’inondation
N Saint-Geours, C Lavergne, JS Bailly, F Grelot
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 152 (1), 49-71, 2011
Comparison of a systemic modelling of farm vulnerability and classical methods to appraise flood damage on agricultural activities
P Bremond, F Grelot
11th Biennal Conference of the International Society for Ecological …, 2010
Quand les cours d'eau débordent: les inondations de la Vilaine du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours
N Dupont, F Grelot
Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012
Prévention des inondations par ralentissement dynamique: principe et recommandations
C Poulard, B Chastan, P Royet, G Degoutte, F Grelot, K Erdlenbruch, ...
Aspects techniques et économiques des aménagements de ralentissement …, 2008
Sensibilité d'une analyse coût-bénéfice-Enseignements pour l'évaluation des projets d'atténuation des inondations
F Grelot, JS Bailly, C Blanc, E Katrin, P Mériaux, N Saint-Geours, ...
Ingénieries eau-agriculture-territoires, 95-108, 2009
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Articles 1–20