Andreas SPOHN
Andreas SPOHN
Maître de Conférence ISAE-ENSMA
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Cluster-based reduced-order modelling of a mixing layer
E Kaiser, BR Noack, L Cordier, A Spohn, M Segond, M Abel, G Daviller, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 754, 365-414, 2014
Experiments on vortex breakdown in a confined flow generated by a rotating disc
A Spohn, M Mory, EJ Hopfinger
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 370, 73-99, 1998
Bluff body drag manipulation using pulsed jets and Coanda effect
D Barros, J Borée, BR Noack, A Spohn, T Ruiz
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 805, 422-459, 2016
Flow separations generated by a simplified geometry of an automotive vehicle
A Spohn, P Gilliéron
IUTAM Symposium: unsteady separated flows 1, 2002
Observations of vortex breakdown in an open cylindrical container with a rotating bottom
A Spohn, M Mory, EJ Hopfinger
Experiments in Fluids 14 (1), 70-77, 1993
Mechanics of bluff body drag reduction during transient near-wake reversals
Y Haffner, J Borée, A Spohn, T Castelain
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 894, A14, 2020
Forcing symmetry exchanges and flow reversals in turbulent wakes
D Barros, J Borée, O Cadot, A Spohn, BR Noack
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 829, R1, 2017
Data-driven methods in fluid dynamics: Sparse classification from experimental data
Z Bai, SL Brunton, BW Brunton, JN Kutz, E Kaiser, A Spohn, BR Noack
Whither turbulence and big data in the 21st century?, 323-342, 2017
Mixing layer manipulation experiment
V Parezanovic, JC Laurentie, C Fourment, J Delville, JP Bonnet, A Spohn, ...
Flow Turbul. Combust 94 (1), 155-173, 2015
Aeroacoustic performance of fractal spoilers
J Nedic, B Ganapathisubramani, JC Vassilicos, J Boree, LE Brizzi, ...
Aiaa Journal 50 (12), 2695-2710, 2012
Resonances in the forced turbulent wake past a 3D blunt body
D Barros, J Borée, BR Noack, A Spohn
Physics of Fluids 28 (6), 2016
Frequency selection by feedback control in a turbulent shear flow
V Parezanović, L Cordier, A Spohn, T Duriez, BR Noack, JP Bonnet, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 797, 247-283, 2016
Unsteady Coanda effect and drag reduction for a turbulent wake
Y Haffner, J Borée, A Spohn, T Castelain
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 899, A36, 2020
Manipulation of three-dimensional asymmetries of a turbulent wake for drag reduction
Y Haffner, T Castelain, J Borée, A Spohn
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 912, A6, 2021
Ecoulement et éclatement tourbillonnaires engendrés par un disque tournant dans une enceinte cylindrique
A Spohn
Grenoble 1, 1991
Cluster-based control of a separating flow over a smoothly contoured ramp
E Kaiser, BR Noack, A Spohn, LN Cattafesta, M Morzyński
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 31, 579-593, 2017
Cluster-based control of nonlinear dynamics
E Kaiser, BR Noack, A Spohn, LN Cattafesta, M Morzynski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05416, 2016
The role of asymmetric perturbations in steady vortex breakdown bubbles
JN Hartnack, M Brøns, A Spohn
Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics [DCAMM], 2000
Analysis of high speed jet flow physics with time-resolved piv
ZP Berger, MG Berry, PR Shea, MN Glauser, N Jiang, S Gogineni, ...
52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1226, 2014
Recirculating flows in a cylindrical tank
A Spohn, O Daube, A Sousa, CA Brebbia, GM Carlomagno
Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements V. Montreal, 155-166, 1991
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Articles 1–20