Xu Li
Cited by
Cited by
Spin wave generation by surface acoustic waves
X Li, D Labanowski, S Salahuddin, CS Lynch
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (4), 2017
Strain-mediated 180 switching in CoFeB and Terfenol-D nanodots with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
Q Wang, X Li, CY Liang, A Barra, J Domann, C Lynch, A Sepulveda, ...
Applied Physics Letters 110 (10), 2017
Strain-mediated 180 perpendicular magnetization switching of a single domain multiferroic structure
X Li, D Carka, C Liang, AE Sepulveda, SM Keller, PK Amiri, GP Carman, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (1), 2015
Capturing magnetic bead-based arrays using perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
YC Hsiao, R Khojah, X Li, A Kundu, C Chen, DB Gopman, AC Chavez, ...
Applied physics letters 115 (8), 2019
Strong electric field tuning of magnetism in self-biased multiferroic structures
X Li, CS Lynch
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 21148, 2020
Nanomagnet Applications in Multiferroic Heterostructures
X Li
UCLA, 2018
Energy absorption in acoustic transducers
X Li, D Labanowski, S Salahuddin, CS Lynch
Conference Presentation: 61st Magnetism and Magnetic Materials(MMM), 2016
Microwave Devices Based on a Multiferroic Structure
X Li, D Labanowski, S Salahuddin, CS Lynch
Conference Presentation: ASME 2016 Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and …, 2016
Multiferroic Microwave Devices
X Li, L Chris
Conference Presentation: XXV International Materials Research Congress(IMRC), 2016
Voltage driven Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory Design
X Li, D Carka, C Liang, AE Sepulveda, SM Keller, PK Amiri, GP Carman, ...
Conference Presentation: 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, 2016
Strain-mediated perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction design
X Li, D Carka, C Liang, AE Sepulveda, SM Keller, PK Amiri, GP Carman, ...
Conference Presentation: 2015 Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and …, 2015
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Articles 1–11