Behzad Mirmahboub
Behzad Mirmahboub
Université Clermont Auvergne
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Cited by
Automatic monocular system for human fall detection based on variations in silhouette area
B Mirmahboub, S Samavi, N Karimi, S Shirani
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 60 (2), 427-436, 2012
Image retargeting using depth assisted saliency map
F Shafieyan, N Karimi, B Mirmahboub, S Samavi, S Shirani
Signal Processing: Image Communication 50, 34-43, 2017
Liver segmentation in abdominal CT images using probabilistic atlas and adaptive 3D region growing
S Rafiei, N Karimi, B Mirmahboub, K Najarian, B Felfeliyan, S Samavi, ...
2019 41st annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2019
Bone extraction in X-ray images by analysis of line fluctuations
S Kazeminia, N Karimi, B Mirmahboub, SMR Soroushmehr, S Samavi, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 882-886, 2015
Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map
F Shafieyan, N Karimi, B Mirmahboub, S Samavi, S Shirani
2014 IEEE International conference on image processing (ICIP), 1155-1159, 2014
Person re-identification by order-induced metric fusion
B Mirmahboub, ML Mekhalfi, V Murino
Neurocomputing 275, 667-676, 2018
Person re-identification using sparse representation with manifold constraints
B Mirmahboub, H Kiani, A Bhuiyan, A Perina, B Zhang, A Del Bue, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 774-778, 2016
Person re-identification using robust brightness transfer functions based on multiple detections
A Bhuiyan, B Mirmahboub, A Perina, V Murino
Image Analysis and Processing—ICIAP 2015: 18th International Conference …, 2015
View-invariant fall detection system based on silhouette area and orientation
B Mirmahboub, S Samavi, N Karimi, S Shirani
2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 176-181, 2012
Component trees for image sequences and streams
C Tuna, B Mirmahboub, F Merciol, S Lefèvre
Pattern Recognition Letters 129, 255-262, 2020
Outdoor fire detection based on color and motion characteristics
M Jamali, S Samavi, M Nejati, B Mirmahboub
2013 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-6, 2013
Multi focus image fusion using categorization of energy levels
I Roosta, N Karimi, B Mirmahboub, S Samavi
2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1739-1744, 2014
Fast pattern spectra using tree representation of the image for patch retrieval
B Mirmahboub, J Moré, D Youssefi, A Giros, F Merciol, S Lefèvre
International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology …, 2021
Person re-identification using pose-driven body parts
S Baabou, B Mirmahboub, F Bremond, MA Farah, A Kachouri
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics …, 2020
Liver segmentation in abdominal CT images by adaptive 3D region growing
S Rafiei, N Karimi, B Mirmahboub, SM Soroushmehr, B Felfelian, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.07794, 2018
Distance penalization and fusion for person re-identification
B Mirmahboub, ML Mekhalfi, V Murino
2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1306-1314, 2017
Median-Tree: An Efficient Counterpart of Tree-of-Shapes
B Mirmahboub, DS Maia, F Merciol, S Lefèvre
Mathematical Morphology-Theory and Applications 5 (1), 108-127, 2021
Appearance-based person re-identification: sparse classification, metric learning & fusion.
B Mirmahboub
Università degli Studi di Genova, 2018
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Articles 1–18