Articles with public access mandates - Esther TippmannLearn more
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Boundary capabilities in MNCs: Knowledge transformation for creative solution development
E Tippmann, P Sharkey Scott, A Parker
Journal of Management Studies 54 (4), 455-482, 2017
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Global scaling as a logic of multinationalization
B Reuber, E Tippmann, S Monaghan
Journal of International Business Studies, 2021
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Stimulating knowledge search routines and architecture competences: the role of organizational context and middle management
E Tippmann, PS Scott, V Mangematin
Long Range Planning 47 (4), 206-223, 2014
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Control Changes in Multinational Corporations: Adjusting Control Approaches in Practice
E Stendahl, S Schriber, E Tippmann
Journal of International Business Studies 52, 409-431, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
Accessing diverse knowledge for problem solving in the MNC: A network mobilization perspective
A Parker, E Tippmann, R Kratochvil
Global Strategy Journal 9 (3), 423-452, 2019
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Practice creation in multinational corporations: Improvisation and the emergence of lateral knowledge
E Stendahl, E Tippmann, A Yakhlef
Journal of World Business 57 (3), 101287, 2022
Mandates: European Commission
More effective solutions? Senior managers and non-routine problem solving
B Decreton, E Tippmann, PC Nell, A Parker
Strategic Management Journal, 2023
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Irish Research Council
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