Richard S. Krannich
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Cited by
Attachments to special places on public lands: An analysis of activities, reason for attachments, and community connections
BW Eisenhauer, RS Krannich, DJ Blahna
Society & Natural Resources 13 (5), 421-441, 2000
Tourism dependence and resident attitudes
MD Smith, RS Krannich
Annals of tourism research 25 (4), 783-802, 1998
“Culture Clash''Revisited: Newcomer and Longer‐Term Residents' Attitudes Toward Land Use, Development, and Environmental Issues in Rural Communities in the Rocky Mountain West
MD Smith, RS Krannich
Rural sociology 65 (3), 396-421, 2000
Community attachments as predictors of local environmental concern: The case for multiple dimensions of attachment
JM Brehm, BW Eisenhauer, RS Krannich
American behavioral scientist 50 (2), 142-165, 2006
A framework for understanding social science contributions to ecosystem management
J Endter-Wada, D Blahna, R Krannich, M Brunson
Ecological applications 8 (3), 891-904, 1998
Dimensions of community attachment and their relationship to well‐being in the amenity‐rich rural west
JM Brehm, BW Eisenhauer, RS Krannich
Rural Sociology 69 (3), 405-429, 2004
Growth, decline, stability, and disruption: A longitudinal analysis of social Well‐Being in four western rural communities
MD Smith, RS Krannich, LM Hunter
Rural sociology 66 (3), 425-450, 2001
The boom‐bust‐recovery cycle: Dynamics of change in community satisfaction and social integration in Delta, Utah
RB Brown, SF Dorins, RS Krannich
Rural Sociology 70 (1), 28-49, 2005
The drop-off/pick-up method for household survey research
J Steele, L Bourke, AE Luloff, PS Liao, GL Theodori, RS Krannich
Community Development 32 (2), 238-250, 2001
Community satisfaction and social integration in a boomtown: A longitudinal analysis
RB Brown, HR Geertsen, RS Krannich
Rural Sociology 54 (4), 568, 1989
Fear of crime in rapidly changing rural communities: A longitudinal analysis
RS Krannich, EH Berry, T Greider
Rural Sociology 54 (2), 195, 1989
Social landscapes of the inter‐mountain West: a comparison of ‘old West’and ‘new West’communities
R Winkler, DR Field, AE Luloff, RS Krannich, T Williams
Rural Sociology 72 (3), 478-501, 2007
Personal well-being in rapid growth and stable communities: Multiple indicators and contrasting results
RS Krannich, T Greider
Rural Sociology 49 (4), 541, 1984
Public views on renewable energy in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States: Distinct attitudes, exposure, and other key predictors of wind energy
SK Olson-Hazboun, RS Krannich, PG Robertson
Energy Research & Social Science 21, 167-179, 2016
Utah stakeholders' attitudes toward selected cougar and black bear management practices
TL Teel, RS Krannich, RH Schmidt
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2-15, 2002
Rural tourism and gendered nuances
P Petrzelka, RS Krannich, J Brehm, CK Trentelman
Annals of Tourism Research 32 (4), 1121-1137, 2005
Using key informant data in comparative community research: An empirical assessment
RS Krannich, CR Humphrey
Sociological methods & research 14 (4), 473-493, 1986
Problems of resource dependency in US rural communities.
RS Krannich, AE Luloff
Rapid growth and fear of crime: A four-community comparison
RS Krannich, T Greider, RL Little
Rural Sociology 50 (2), 193, 1985
Tourism and natural amenity development: Real opportunities
R Krannich, P Petrzelka
Challenges for rural America in the twenty-first century, 190-199, 2003
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