Maria Burguet
Maria Burguet
Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
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Cited by
Rainfall simulation and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry for the analysis of soil water erosion in Mediterranean vineyards
M Prosdocimi, M Burguet, S Di Prima, G Sofia, E Terol, JR Comino, ...
Science of the Total Environment 574, 204-215, 2017
Spatial models for monitoring the spatio-temporal evolution of ashes after fire–a case study of a burnt grassland in Lithuania
P Pereira, A Cerdà, X Úbeda, J Mataix-Solera, D Martin, A Jordán, ...
Solid Earth 4 (1), 153-165, 2013
Wildfire effects on extractable elements in ash from a Pinus pinaster forest in Portugal
P Pereira, X Úbeda, D Martin, J Mataix‐Solera, A Cerdà, M Burguet
Hydrological Processes 28 (11), 3681-3690, 2014
Comparing Beerkan infiltration tests with rainfall simulation experiments for hydraulic characterization of a sandy‐loam soil
S Di Prima, V Bagarello, L Lassabatere, R Angulo‐Jaramillo, I Bautista, ...
Hydrological Processes 31 (20), 3520-3532, 2017
Evaluation of disruption of sediment connectivity and herbicide transport across a slope by grass strips using a magnetic iron oxide tracer
M Burguet, G Guzmán, E de Luna, EV Taguas, JA Gómez
Soil and Tillage Research 180, 268-281, 2018
Soil water repellency assessment in olive groves in Southern and Eastern Spain
M Burguet, EV Taguas, A Cerdà, JA Gómez
Catena 147, 187-195, 2016
Testing the long term applicability of USLE-M equation at a olive orchard microcatchment in Spain
C Di Stefano, V Ferro, M Burguet, EV Taguas
Catena 147, 71-79, 2016
El impacto del cultivo, el abandono y la intensificación de la agricultura en la pérdida de agua y suelo: El ejemplo de la vertiente norte de la Serra Grossa en el Este Peninsular
A Cerdà, AG Morera, M Burguet, VA Baldo, FG Peñaloza, FG Orenes, ...
Cuadernos de investigación geográfica: Geographical Research Letters 38 (1 …, 2012
Exploring calibration strategies of the SEDD model in two olive orchard catchments
M Burguet, EV Taguas, JA Gómez
Geomorphology 290, 17-28, 2017
Interpretation of the impact of different managements and the rainfall variability on the soil erosion in a Mediterranean olive orchard microcatchment
EV Taguas, M Burguet, R Pérez, JL Ayuso, JA Gómez
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10966, 2012
Hydrological response of a semiarid olive orchard microcatchment under theoretical climate change scenarios
C Aguilar, E Guzmán, M Burguet, MJ Polo, EV Taguas
Soil Science 181 (7), 283-292, 2016
Seasonal changes of the infiltration rates in urban parks of Valencia City, Eastern Spain
A Cerdà, S Keesstra, M Burguet, P Pereira, ME Lucasborja, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts. In Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly …, 2016
Distribution of soil organic carbon in two small agricultural Mediterranean catchments
JA Gomez, M Burguet, ME Taguas, R Perez, JL Ayuso, T Vanwalleghem, ...
Geophys. Res. Abstr., EGU2012-4232, EGU General Assembly, 2012
Hydrological balance in a eucalyptus plantation watershed in Minas Gerais (Brazil)
OS Ganba, KC Tonello, H García-Leite, M Burguet, EV Taguas, ...
Soil Science 181 (7), 347-357, 2016
The impact of agriculture terraces on soil organic matter, aggregate stability, water repellency and bulk density. A study in abandoned and active farms in the Sierra de …
A Cerdà, M Burguet, S Keesstra, M Prosdocimi, S Di Prima, E Brevik, ...
Geophys. Res. Abstr 25, 288-296, 2016
Effects of fire on ash thickness in a Lithuanian grassland and short-term spatio-temporal changes.
P Pereira, A Cerdà, X Ubeda, J Mataix-Solera, D Martin, A Jordan, ...
Solid Earth Discussions 4 (2), 2012
Pérdida de suelo y agua bajo cubierta de Quercus coccifera en la sierra de Enguera. Valencia
A Cerdà, A Giménez-Morera, MB Bodí, M Burguet, J García López, ...
C & G 24 (3-4), 13-23, 2010
The impact of the farming, abandonment and agricultural intensification on loss of water and soil. The example of the northern slopes of the Serra Grossa, Eastern Spain
A Cerdà, AG Morera, M Burguet, V Arcenegui, FAG Peñaloza, ...
Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 38 (1), 75-94, 2013
The plot size effect on soil erosion on rainfed agriculture land under different land uses in eastern Spain
A Cerdà, MB Bodi, M Burguet, M Segura, C Jovani
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 185, 2009
The use of straw to reduce the soil and water losses in agriculture and forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean Type-Ecosystem. The Soil Erosion and Degradation Research Group …
A Cerda, M Burguet, S Keesstra, MEL Borja, J Hedo, E Brevik, P Pereira, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, 2016
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Articles 1–20