Gurpreet Singh Lehal
Gurpreet Singh Lehal
Professor of Computer Science, Punjabi University
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A survey of text mining techniques and applications
V Gupta, GS Lehal
Journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence 1 (1), 60-76, 2009
A survey of text summarization extractive techniques
V Gupta, GS Lehal
Journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence 2 (3), 258-268, 2010
A Gurmukhi script recognition system
GS Lehal, C Singh
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
Named entity recognition for Punjabi language text summarization
V Gupta, GS Lehal
International journal of computer applications 33 (3), 28-32, 2011
Hindi morphological analyzer and generator
V Goyal, GS Lehal
2008 First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and …, 2008
Web based Hindi to Punjabi machine translation system
V Goyal, GS Lehal
Journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence 2 (2), 148-151, 2010
Feature extraction and classification for OCR of Gurmukhi script
GS Lehal, C Singh
VIVEK-BOMBAY- 12 (2), 2-12, 1999
Improved recognition results of medieval handwritten Gurmukhi manuscripts using boosting and bagging methodologies
M Kumar, SR Jindal, MK Jindal, GS Lehal
Neural Processing Letters 50, 43-56, 2019
Named entity recognition system for Urdu
UP Singh, V Goyal, GS Lehal
Proceedings of COLING 2012, 2507-2518, 2012
A survey of common stemming techniques and existing stemmers for indian languages
V Gupta, GS Lehal
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 5 (2), 157-161, 2013
Segmentation of horizontally overlapping lines in printed Indian scripts
MK Jindal, RK Sharma, GS Lehal
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 3 (4), 277-286, 2007
A recognition system for Devnagri and English handwritten numerals
GS Lehal, N Bhatt
Advances in Multimodal Interfaces—ICMI 2000: Third International Conference …, 2000
A Punjabi to Hindi machine translation system
GS Josan, GS Lehal
Coling 2008: Companion volume: Demonstrations, 157-160, 2008
Punjabi language stemmer for nouns and proper names
V Gupta, GS Lehal
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on South Southeast Asian Natural Language …, 2011
An iterative algorithm for segmentation of isolated handwritten words in Gurmukhi script
DV Sharma, GS Lehal
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 2, 1022-1025, 2006
A shape based post processor for Gurmukhi OCR
GS Lehal, C Singh, R Lehal
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 2001
Script identification of pre-segmented multi-font characters and digits
R Rani, R Dhir, GS Lehal
2013 12th international conference on document analysis and recognition …, 2013
Using Hidden Markov Model to improve the accuracy of Punjabi POS tagger
SK Sharma, GS Lehal
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation …, 2011
Ligature segmentation for Urdu OCR
GS Lehal
2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2013
A complete machine-printed Gurmukhi OCR system
GS Lehal
Guide to OCR for Indic Scripts: Document Recognition and Retrieval, 43-71, 2010
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Articles 1–20