Teresa Catry
Teresa Catry
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Plastic and other microfibers in sediments, macroinvertebrates and shorebirds from three intertidal wetlands of southern Europe and west Africa
PM Lourenço, C Serra-Gonçalves, JL Ferreira, T Catry, JP Granadeiro
Environmental pollution 231, 123-133, 2017
Tracking seabirds to identify potential Marine Protected Areas in the tropical western Indian Ocean
M Le Corre, A Jaeger, P Pinet, MA Kappes, H Weimerskirch, T Catry, ...
Biological Conservation 156, 83-93, 2012
Movements, at-sea distribution and behaviour of a tropical pelagic seabird: the wedge-tailed shearwater in the western Indian Ocean
T Catry, JA Ramos, M Le Corre, RA Phillips
Marine Ecology Progress Series 391, 231-242, 2009
Comparative foraging ecology of a tropical seabird community of the Seychelles, western Indian Ocean
T Catry, JA Ramos, S Jaquemet, L Faulquier, M Berlincourt, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 374, 259-272, 2009
Individual variation in migratory movements and winter behaviour of Iberian Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni revealed by geolocators
I Catry, MP Dias, T Catry, V Afanasyev, J Fox, AMA Franco, WJ Sutherland
Ibis 153 (1), 154-164, 2011
Long-term declines of wader populations at the Tagus estuary, Portugal: a response to global or local factors?
T Catry, JA Alves, J Andrade, H Costa, MP Dias, P Fernandes, ANA Leal, ...
Bird Conservation International 21 (4), 438-453, 2011
Summer habitat selection and abundance of the threatened little bustard in Iberian agricultural landscapes
JP Silva, N Faria, T Catry
Biological Conservation 139 (1-2), 186-194, 2007
Structure and functioning of intertidal food webs along an avian flyway: a comparative approach using stable isotopes
T Catry, PM Lourenço, RJ Lopes, C Carneiro, JA Alves, J Costa, ...
Functional Ecology 30 (3), 468-478, 2016
Comparative foraging ecology and ecological niche of a superabundant tropical seabird: the sooty tern Sterna fuscata in the southwest Indian Ocean
S Jaquemet, M Potier, Y Cherel, J Kojadinovic, P Bustamante, P Richard, ...
Marine Biology 155, 505-520, 2008
Are salinas a suitable alternative breeding habitat for Little Terns Sterna albifrons?
T Catry, JA Ramos, I Catry, M Allen‐Revez, N Grade
Ibis 146 (2), 247-257, 2004
Sex promotes spatial and dietary segregation in a migratory shorebird during the non-breeding season
T Catry, JA Alves, JA Gill, TG Gunnarsson, JP Granadeiro
PLoS One 7 (3), e33811, 2012
Influence of environmental factors and energetic value of food on Little Tern Sterna albifrons chick growth and food delivery
VH Paiva, JA Ramos, T Catry, P Pedro, R Medeiros, J Palma
Bird Study 53 (1), 1-11, 2006
Inter-annual variability in the breeding performance of six tropical seabird species: influence of life-history traits and relationship with oceanographic parameters
T Catry, JA Ramos, I Catry, D Monticelli, JP Granadeiro
Marine biology 160, 1189-1201, 2013
The role of stable isotopes and mercury concentrations to describe seabird foraging ecology in tropical environments
T Catry, JA Ramos, M Le Corre, J Kojadinovic, P Bustamante
Marine biology 155, 637-647, 2008
Seasonal Variations in the Diet and Foraging Behaviour of Dunlins Calidris alpina in a South European Estuary: Improved Feeding Conditions for Northward Migrants
RC Martins, T Catry, CD Santos, JM Palmeirim, JP Granadeiro
PLoS One 8 (12), e81174, 2013
Sexual and parent–offspring dietary segregation in a colonial raptor as revealed by stable isotopes
I Catry, T Catry, M Alho, AMA Franco, F Moreira
Journal of Zoology 299 (1), 58-67, 2016
Mosaic-level inference of the impact of land cover changes in agricultural landscapes on biodiversity: a case-study with a threatened grassland bird
F Moreira, JP Silva, B Estanque, JM Palmeirim, M Lecoq, M Pinto, ...
PLoS One 7 (6), e38876, 2012
Comparative feeding ecology of shorebirds wintering at Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania
PM Lourenço, T Catry, T Piersma, JP Granadeiro
Estuaries and coasts 39, 855-865, 2016
Differential heat tolerance in nestlings suggests sympatric species may face different climate change risks
I Catry, T Catry, P Patto, AMA Franco, F Moreira
Climate Research 66 (1), 13-24, 2015
Intercolony and annual differences in the diet and feeding ecology of little tern adults and chicks in Portugal
T Catry, JA Ramos, VH Paiva, J Martins, A Almeida, J Palma, PJ Andrade, ...
The condor 108 (2), 366-376, 2006
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Articles 1–20