Richard Roberts
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Cited by
Dynamic pattern formation in a vesicle-generating microfluidic device
T Thorsen, RW Roberts, FH Arnold, SR Quake
Physical review letters 86 (18), 4163, 2001
RNA-peptide fusions for the in vitro selection of peptides and proteins
RW Roberts, JW Szostak
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (23), 12297-12302, 1997
Stability and properties of double and triple helices: dramatic effects of RNA or DNA backbone composition
RW Roberts, DM Crothers
Science 258 (5087), 1463-1466, 1992
The emergence of competition between model protocells
IA Chen, RW Roberts, JW Szostak
Science 305 (5689), 1474-1476, 2004
Selection of proteins using RNA-protein fusions
JW Szostak, RW Roberts, R Liu
US Patent 6,207,446, 2001
Dopaminergic stimulation of local protein synthesis enhances surface expression of GluR1 and synaptic transmission in hippocampal neurons
WB Smith, SR Starck, RW Roberts, EM Schuman
Neuron 45 (5), 765-779, 2005
Recombinant probes for visualizing endogenous synaptic proteins in living neurons
GG Gross, JA Junge, RJ Mora, HB Kwon, CA Olson, TT Takahashi, ...
Neuron 78 (6), 971-985, 2013
Method for selection of proteins using RNA-protein fusions
JW Szostak, RW Roberts, R Liu
US Patent 6,258,558, 2001
mRNA display: ligand discovery, interaction analysis and beyond
TT Takahashi, RJ Austin, RW Roberts
Trends in biochemical sciences 28 (3), 159-165, 2003
Totally in vitro protein selection using mRNA-protein fusions and ribosome display.
RW Roberts
Current opinion in chemical biology 3 (3), 268-273, 1999
[19] Optimized synthesis of RNA-protein fusions for in vitro protein selection
R Liu, JE Barrick, JW Szostak, RW Roberts
Academic Press 318, 268-293, 2000
Label-free, electrical detection of the SARS virus N-protein with nanowire biosensors utilizing antibody mimics as capture probes
FN Ishikawa, HK Chang, M Curreli, HI Liao, CA Olson, PC Chen, R Zhang, ...
ACS nano 3 (5), 1219-1224, 2009
Encodamers: unnatural peptide oligomers encoded in RNA
A Frankel, SW Millward, RW Roberts
Chemistry & biology 10 (11), 1043-1050, 2003
Specificity and stringency in DNA triplex formation.
RW Roberts, DM Crothers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88 (21), 9397-9401, 1991
Design of cyclic peptides that bind protein surfaces with antibody-like affinity
SW Millward, S Fiacco, RJ Austin, RW Roberts
ACS Chemical Biology 2 (9), 625-634, 2007
A general route for post-translational cyclization of mRNA display libraries
SW Millward, TT Takahashi, RW Roberts
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (41), 14142-14143, 2005
Libraries of protein encoding RNA-protein fusions
JW Szostak, RW Roberts, R Liu
US Patent 6,214,553, 2001
RNA-antibody fusions and their selection
JW Szostak, RW Roberts
US Patent 6,518,018, 2003
Identification of epitope‐like consensus motifs using mRNA display
R Baggio, P Burgstaller, SP Hale, AR Putney, M Lane, D Lipovsek, ...
Journal of Molecular Recognition 15 (3), 126-134, 2002
Nucleic acid-protein fusion molecules and libraries
JW Szostak, RW Roberts, R Liu
US Patent 6,281,344, 2001
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20