Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris
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Cited by
International evidence on the social context of well-being
JF Helliwell, CP Barrington-Leigh, A Harris, H Huang
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009
Does large farm establishment create benefits for neighboring smallholders? Evidence from Ethiopia
D Ali, K Deininger, A Harris
Land Economics 95 (1), 71-90, 2019
International differences in the determinants of life satisfaction
JF Helliwell, H Huang, A Harris
New and enduring themes in development economics, 3-40, 2009
Using national statistics to increase transparency of large land acquisition: Evidence from Ethiopia
DA Ali, K Deininger, A Harris
World Development 93, 62-74, 2017
Can scholarships provide equitable access to high-quality university education? Evidence from the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program
C Cosentino, J Fortson, S Liuzzi, A Harris, R Blair
International Journal of Educational Development 71, 102089, 2019
Large farm establishment, smallholder productivity, labor market participation, and resilience: evidence from Ethiopia
DA Ali, K Deininger, A Harris
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2016
Expropriation, compensation and transitions to new livelihoods: Evidence from an expropriation in Ethiopia
A Harris
University of Oxford, 2015
Breeding schedules of Antarctic and Kerguelen terns at Marion Island
A Berruti, A Harris
Notornis 23, 243-245, 1976
A course model for developing culturally proficient school leaders
D Reed, R Bustamante, C Parker, R Robles-Pina, AJ Harris
Journal of Education and Human Development 1 (2), 1-11, 2007
Gender equity in testing and assessment
D Reed, LH Fox, ML Andrews, N Betz, JP Evenstad, A Harris, ...
Handbook for achieving gender equity through education, 185-200, 2014
Evaluating the Early Effects of Anti-angiogenic Treatment in human breast cancer with Intrinsic susceptibility-weighted and Diffusion-weighted MRI: initial observations
S Li, N Taylor, S Mehta, N Hughes, JJ Stirling, I Simcock, DJ Collins, ...
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med (ISMRM) 19, 342, 2011
International evidence on the social context of well-being Working Paper 14720
JF Helliwell, CP Barrington-Leigh, A Harris, H Huang
National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from http …, 2009
1666. Sources and preventability of hospital-onset bacteremia and fungemia in the United States: evaluation of a potential healthcare quality measure
S Leekha, G Robinson, JT Jacob, S Fridkin, AL Shane, A Sick-Samuels, ...
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9 (Supplement_2), ofac492. 132, 2022
Senegal’s Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project at Five Years Post-Compact: Findings from a Mixed-Methods Evaluation
A Harris, S Leser, A Kandji, S Hughes
Mathematica Policy Research, 2021
Evaluation Design Report for the Benin Power Compact's Electricity Generation Project and Electricity Distribution Project
C Ksoll, K Bos, A Mamun, A Harris, S Hughes
Report submitted to the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Washington, DC …, 2018
Does Large Farm Establishment Affect Smallholder Productivity, Resilience, and Job Opportunities? Evidence from Ethiopia
DA Ali, K Deininger, A Harris
Policy Reserach Working Paper, 2015
2417. Epidemiology of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections Present on Hospital Admission: A Multicenter Study
PR Ching, O Oladapo-Shittu, YJ Hsu, H Saunders, AB Salinas, TN Helsel, ...
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 10 (Supplement_2), ofad500. 2037, 2023
2430. Risk Factors for Mortality among Patients who Present from the Community with Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections
O Oladapo-Shittu, PR Ching, YJ Hsu, H Saunders, AB Salinas, TN Helsel, ...
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 10 (Supplement_2), ofad500. 2049, 2023
Tropical legumes cluster evaluation
R Blair, J Danz, A Harris, A Koleros, EJ Quiñones, R Sander, J Shieh
Gates Open Res 7 (2), 2, 2023
Happiness inequality and the importance of trust
J Helliwell, H Huang, S Grover, S Wang, C Graham, C Barrington-Leigh, ...
VoxEU, 2016
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Articles 1–20