Dr.-Ing. Kai Niklas
Dr.-Ing. Kai Niklas
SAP Fioneer
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Cited by
Factors influencing code review processes in industry
T Baum, O Liskin, K Niklas, K Schneider
Proceedings of the 2016 24th acm sigsoft international symposium on …, 2016
A faceted classification scheme for change-based industrial code review processes
T Baum, O Liskin, K Niklas, K Schneider
2016 IEEE International conference on software quality, reliability and …, 2016
Unsupervised post-correction of ocr errors
K Niklas
Master’s thesis, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2010
Using word sense discrimination on historic document collections
N Tahmasebi, K Niklas, T Theuerkauf, T Risse
Proceedings of the 10th annual joint conference on digital libraries, 89-98, 2010
On the applicability of word sense discrimination on 201 years of modern english
N Tahmasebi, K Niklas, G Zenz, T Risse
International Journal on Digital Libraries 13 (3), 135-153, 2013
Towards application and evolution of model-based heuristics for improving SOA service design
K Niklas, J Greenyer, K Schneider
2015 IEEE/ACM 7th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering …, 2015
Knowledge from Document Annotations as By-Product in Distributed Software Engineering
A Averbakh, K Niklas, K Schneider
The 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge …, 2014
Consistency checks of design specifications against requirements using graph-based linguistic analysis
K Niklas, S Gärtner, K Schneider
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1546-1549, 2016
Become a better Software Architect: Actions & insights from practical experience
K Niklas
Verbesserung des Entwurfs von SOA Serviceschnittstellen mit Hilfe von Erfahrungen und Heuristiken
K Niklas
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2017
Konsistenzprüfung von Architekturbeschreibungen mit Anforderungen mittels linguistischer Analyse
K Niklas, S Gärtner, K Schneider
2nd Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living …, 2015
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Articles 1–11