Keith C. Clarke
Cited by
Cited by
A self-modifying cellular automaton model of historical urbanization in the San Francisco Bay area
KC Clarke, S Hoppen, L Gaydos
Environment and planning B: Planning and design 24 (2), 247-261, 1997
Loose-coupling a cellular automaton model and GIS: long-term urban growth prediction for San Francisco and Washington/Baltimore
KC Clarke, LJ Gaydos
International journal of geographical information science 12 (7), 699-714, 1998
The spatiotemporal form of urban growth: measurement, analysis and modeling
M Herold, NC Goldstein, KC Clarke
Remote sensing of Environment 86 (3), 286-302, 2003
Comparing the input, output, and validation maps for several models of land change
RG Pontius, W Boersma, JC Castella, K Clarke, T de Nijs, C Dietzel, ...
The annals of regional science 42, 11-37, 2008
Getting started with geographic information systems
KC Clarke
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,, 1997
The role of spatial metrics in the analysis and modeling of urban land use change
M Herold, H Couclelis, KC Clarke
Computers, environment and urban systems 29 (4), 369-399, 2005
The use of remote sensing and landscape metrics to describe structures and changes in urban land uses
M Herold, J Scepan, KC Clarke
Environment and planning A 34 (8), 1443-1458, 2002
Understanding the drivers of sustainable land expansion using a patch-generating land use simulation (PLUS) model: A case study in Wuhan, China
X Liang, Q Guan, KC Clarke, S Liu, B Wang, Y Yao
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 85, 101569, 2021
Calibration of the SLEUTH urban growth model for Lisbon and Porto, Portugal
EA Silva, KC Clarke
Computers, environment and urban systems 26 (6), 525-552, 2002
Analytical and computer cartography
KC Clarke
Prentice hall, 1995
On epidemiology and geographic information systems: a review and discussion of future directions.
KC Clarke, SL McLafferty, BJ Tempalski
Emerging infectious diseases 2 (2), 85, 1996
Computation of the fractal dimension of topographic surfaces using the triangular prism surface area method
KC Clarke
Computers & Geosciences 12 (5), 713-722, 1986
Spatial metrics and image texture for mapping urban land use
M Herold, XH Liu, KC Clarke
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 69 (9), 991-1001, 2003
Integrating human behaviour dynamics into flood disaster risk assessment
JCJH Aerts, WJ Botzen, KC Clarke, SL Cutter, JW Hall, B Merz, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (3), 193-199, 2018
Spatio‐temporal dynamics in California's Central Valley: Empirical links to urban theory
C Dietzel, M Herold, JJ Hemphill, KC Clarke
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19 (2), 175-195, 2005
An improved simple morphological filter for the terrain classification of airborne LIDAR data
TJ Pingel, KC Clarke, WA McBride
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 77, 21-30, 2013
The use of scenarios in land-use planning
WN Xiang, KC Clarke
Environment and planning B: planning and design 30 (6), 885-909, 2003
Toward optimal calibration of the SLEUTH land use change model
C Dietzel, KC Clarke
Transactions in GIS 11 (1), 29-45, 2007
Advances in geographic information systems
KC Clarke
Computers, environment and urban systems 10 (3-4), 175-184, 1986
Interactive visual exploration of a large spatio-temporal dataset: Reflections on a geovisualization mashup.
J Wood, J Dykes, A Slingsby, K Clarke
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 13 (6), 1176-1183, 2007
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Articles 1–20