Nikolaos Karianakis
Nikolaos Karianakis
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Cited by
Ekya: Continuous learning of video analytics models on edge compute servers
R Bhardwaj, Z Xia, G Ananthanarayanan, J Jiang, Y Shu, N Karianakis, ...
Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), 2022
SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detection
F Yu, D Wang, Y Chen, N Karianakis, T Shen, P Yu, D Lymberopoulos, ...
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022
Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for Depth-Based Person Re-Identification
N Karianakis, Z Liu, Y Chen, S Soatto
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018
Gemel: Model Merging for {Memory-Efficient},{Real-Time} Video Analytics at the Edge
A Padmanabhan, N Agarwal, A Iyer, G Ananthanarayanan, Y Shu, ...
20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2023
HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks
G Mittal, C Liu, N Karianakis, V Fragoso, M Chen, Y Fu
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020
Boosting Convolutional Features for Robust Object Proposals
N Karianakis, TJ Fuchs, S Soatto
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.06350, 2015
Multi-view feature engineering and learning
J Dong, N Karianakis, D Davis, J Hernandez, J Balzer, S Soatto
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015
An integrated system for digital restoration of prehistoric Theran wall paintings
N Karianakis, P Maragos
International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2013
An Empirical Evaluation of Current Convolutional Architectures’ Ability to Manage Nuisance Location and Scale Variability
N Karianakis, J Dong, S Soatto
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016
Towards latency-aware dnn optimization with gpu runtime analysis and tail effect elimination
F Yu, Z Xu, T Shen, D Stamoulis, L Shangguan, D Wang, R Madhok, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.03897, 2020
BLT: Balancing Long-Tailed Datasets with Adversarially-Perturbed Images
J Kozerawski, V Fragoso, N Karianakis, G Mittal, M Turk, M Chen
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2020
Depth-based object re-identification
N Karianakis, Z Liu, C Yinpeng
US Patent 11,238,300, 2022
Towards memory-efficient inference in edge video analytics
A Padmanabhan, AP Iyer, G Ananthanarayanan, Y Shu, N Karianakis, ...
Hot Topics in Video Analytics and Intelligent Edges (MobiCom, workshop), 2021
Visual Scene Representations: Contrast, Scaling and Occlusion
S Soatto, J Dong, N Karianakis
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR, workshop), 2015
VL-SLAM: Real-Time Visual-Inertial Navigation and Semantic Mapping
J Dong, X Fei, N Karianakis, K Tsotsos, S Soatto
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, live demo), 2016
Visual scene representation: scaling and occlusion in convolutional architectures
S Soatto, J Dong, N Karianakis
ArXiv preprint: ArXiv 1412, 2, 2014
Task-aware recommendation of hyperparameter configurations
G Mittal, VMF ROJAS, N Karianakis, M Chen, C Liu
US Patent 11,544,561, 2023
Allocating computing resources during continuous retraining
G Ananthanarayanan, SHU Yuanchao, T Hsieh, N Karianakis, P Bahl, ...
US Patent 11,461,591, 2022
Information driven exploration using Poisson sampling over using marginals
J Hernandez, N Karianakis, S Soatto
preparation, 2013
Learning to discriminate in the wild: Representation learning network for nuisance-invariant image comparison
N Karianakis, Y Wang, S Soatto
Technical report, UCLA Vision Lab, 2013
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Articles 1–20