Son N. Tran
Cited by
Cited by
Neural-symbolic computing: An effective methodology for principled integration of machine learning and reasoning
AA Garcez, M Gori, LC Lamb, L Serafini, M Spranger, SN Tran
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.06088, 2019
Deep logic networks: Inserting and extracting knowledge from deep belief networks
SN Tran, ASA Garcez
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (2), 246-258, 2016
Fake reviews detection: A survey
R Mohawesh, S Xu, SN Tran, R Ollington, M Springer, Y Jararweh, ...
Ieee Access 9, 65771-65802, 2021
Deep learning for retail product recognition: Challenges and techniques
Y Wei, S Tran, S Xu, B Kang, M Springer
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2020 (1), 8875910, 2020
Speaker recognition with hybrid features from a deep belief network
H Ali, SN Tran, E Benetos, AS d’Avila Garcez
Neural Computing and Applications 29, 13-19, 2018
Temporal latent topic user profiles for search personalisation
T Vu, A Willis, SN Tran, D Song
Advances in Information Retrieval: 37th European Conference on IR Research …, 2015
Analysis of concept drift in fake reviews detection
R Mohawesh, S Tran, R Ollington, S Xu
Expert Systems with Applications 169, 114318, 2021
Deep auto-encoders with sequential learning for multimodal dimensional emotion recognition
D Nguyen, DT Nguyen, R Zeng, TT Nguyen, SN Tran, T Nguyen, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 24, 1313-1324, 2021
A survey: From shallow to deep machine learning approaches for blood pressure estimation using biosensors
S Maqsood, S Xu, S Tran, S Garg, M Springer, M Karunanithi, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 197, 116788, 2022
Coconut trees detection and segmentation in aerial imagery using mask region‐based convolution neural network
MS Iqbal, H Ali, SN Tran, T Iqbal
IET Computer Vision 15 (6), 428-439, 2021
On multi-resident activity recognition in ambient smart-homes
SN Tran, D Nguyen, TS Ngo, XS Vu, L Hoang, Q Zhang, M Karunanithi
Artificial Intelligence Review 53 (6), 3929-3945, 2020
Etnlp: A visual-aided systematic approach to select pre-trained embeddings for a downstream task
XS Vu, T Vu, SN Tran, L Jiang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.04433, 2019
Hand tremor detection in videos with cluttered background using neural network based approaches
X Wang, S Garg, SN Tran, Q Bai, J Alty
Health Information Science and Systems 9, 1-14, 2021
Improving search personalisation with dynamic group formation
TT Vu, D Song, A Willis, SN Tran, J Li
Proceedings of the 37th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research …, 2014
Knowledge extraction from deep belief networks for images
SN Tran, AA Garcez
IJCAI-2013 workshop on neural-symbolic learning and reasoning, 2013
dpUGC: Learn Differentially Private Representation for User Generated Contents (Best Paper Award, Third Place, Shared)
XS Vu, SN Tran, L Jiang
International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text …, 2019
Unimodal late fusion for NIST i‐vector challenge on speaker detection
H Ali, ASA Garcez, SN Tran, X Zhou, K Iqbal
Electronics Letters 50 (15), 1098-1100, 2014
Mixed-dependency models for multi-resident activity recognition in smart homes
SN Tran, TS Ngo, Q Zhang, M Karunanithi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 23445-23460, 2020
A comprehensive review on deep supervision: Theories and applications
R Li, X Wang, G Huang, W Yang, K Zhang, X Gu, SN Tran, S Garg, J Alty, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.02376, 2022
Some algorithms to solve a bi-objectives problem for team selection
TS Ngo, NA Bui, TT Tran, PC Le, DC Bui, TD Nguyen, LD Phan, QT Kieu, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (8), 2700, 2020
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Articles 1–20