Petter Nekså
Petter Nekså
Chief Scientist at SINTEF and Adjunct Professor at NTNU, Norway
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CO2-heat pump water heater: characteristics, system design and experimental results
P Nekså, H Rekstad, GR Zakeri, PA Schiefloe
International Journal of refrigeration 21 (3), 172-179, 1998
CO2 heat pump systems
P Nekså
International Journal of refrigeration 25 (4), 421-427, 2002
Large-scale production and transport of hydrogen from Norway to Europe and Japan: Value chain analysis and comparison of liquid hydrogen and ammonia as energy carriers
Y Ishimoto, M Voldsund, P Nekså, S Roussanaly, D Berstad, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 45 (58), 32865-32883, 2020
Low-temperature CO2 capture technologies–Applications and potential
D Berstad, R Anantharaman, P Nekså
International Journal of Refrigeration 36 (5), 1403-1416, 2013
Review of vapour compression heat pumps for high temperature heating using natural working fluids
O Bamigbetan, TM Eikevik, P Nekså, M Bantle
International journal of refrigeration 80, 197-211, 2017
Low-temperature CO2 removal from natural gas
D Berstad, P Nekså, R Anantharaman
Energy Procedia 26, 41-48, 2012
Large-scale hydrogen liquefier utilising mixed-refrigerant pre-cooling
DO Berstad, JH Stang, P Nekså
International journal of hydrogen energy 35 (10), 4512-4523, 2010
Modelling and simulation of CO2 (carbon dioxide) bottoming cycles for offshore oil and gas installations at design and off-design conditions
HT Walnum, P Nekså, LO Nord, T Andresen
Energy 59, 513-520, 2013
Reducing the exergy destruction in the cryogenic heat exchangers of hydrogen liquefaction processes
Ø Wilhelmsen, D Berstad, A Aasen, P Nekså, G Skaugen
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (10), 5033-5047, 2018
Comparison criteria for large-scale hydrogen liquefaction processes
DO Berstad, JH Stang, P Nekså
International journal of hydrogen energy 34 (3), 1560-1568, 2009
Theoretical analysis of suitable fluids for high temperature heat pumps up to 125 C heat delivery
O Bamigbetan, TM Eikevik, P Nekså, M Bantle, C Schlemminger
International journal of refrigeration 92, 185-195, 2018
Liquid hydrogen as prospective energy carrier: A brief review and discussion of underlying assumptions applied in value chain analysis
D Berstad, S Gardarsdottir, S Roussanaly, M Voldsund, Y Ishimoto, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 154, 111772, 2022
Investigation of dry ice blockage in an ultra-low temperature cascade refrigeration system using CO2 as a working fluid
H Yamaguchi, XD Niu, K Sekimoto, P Nekså
International Journal of refrigeration 34 (2), 466-475, 2011
Experimental investigation of a prototype R-600 compressor for high temperature heat pump
O Bamigbetan, TM Eikevik, P Nekså, M Bantle, C Schlemminger
Energy 169, 730-738, 2019
Development and analysis of a natural gas reliquefaction plant for small gas carriers
P Nekså, E Brendeng, M Drescher, B Norberg
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2 (2-3), 143-149, 2010
The development of a hydrocarbon high temperature heat pump for waste heat recovery
O Bamigbetan, TM Eikevik, P Nekså, M Bantle, C Schlemminger
Energy 173, 1141-1153, 2019
Energy-efficiency technologies for reduction of offshore CO2 emissions
MJ Mazzetti, P Nekså, HT Walnum, AKT Hemmingsen
Oil and gas facilities 3 (01), 89-96, 2014
CO2-a refrigerant from the past with prospects of being one of the main refrigerants in the future
P Nekså, HT Walnum, A Hafner
9th IIR Gustav Lorentzen conference, 2-14, 2010
Micro technology in heat pumping systems
ST Munkejord, HS Maehlum, GR Zakeri, P Nekså, J Pettersen
International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (4), 471-478, 2002
High-purity H2 production with CO2 capture based on coal gasification
K Jordal, R Anantharaman, TA Peters, D Berstad, J Morud, P Nekså, ...
Energy 88, 9-17, 2015
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Articles 1–20