Articles with public access mandates - Kathleen M. EisenhardtLearn more
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Parallel play: Startups, nascent markets, and effective business-model design
RM McDonald, KM Eisenhardt
Administrative Science Quarterly 65 (2), 483-523, 2020
Mandates: US Department of Defense
How entrepreneurs leverage institutional intermediaries in emerging economies to acquire public resources
DE Armanios, CE Eesley, J Li, KM Eisenhardt
Strategic Management Journal 38 (7), 1373-1390, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Unpacking the CEO–board relationship: How strategy making happens in entrepreneurial firms
S Garg, KM Eisenhardt
Academy of Management Journal 60 (5), 1828-1858, 2017
Mandates: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Big fish versus big pond? Entrepreneurs, established firms, and antecedents of tie formation
R Katila, H Piezunka, P Reineke, KM Eisenhardt
Academy of Management Journal 65 (2), 427-452, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Who takes you to the dance? How funding partners influence innovative activity in young firms
EC Pahnke, R Katila, KM Eisenhardt
Administrative Science Quarterly 60 (4), 596-633, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders
MW Moffett, S Garnier, KM Eisenhardt, NR Furr, M Warglien, C Sartoris, ...
Journal of Organization Design 10, 55-74, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Defense
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