Linda Jørgensen
Cited by
Cited by
Global trends in the fluorescence characteristics and distribution of marine dissolved organic matter
L Jørgensen, CA Stedmon, T Kragh, S Markager, M Middelboe, ...
Marine Chemistry 126 (1-4), 139-148, 2011
Tracing the long‐term microbial production of recalcitrant fluorescent dissolved organic matter in seawater
L Jørgensen, CA Stedmon, MA Granskog, M Middelboe
Geophysical Research Letters 41, 2014
On the importance of quantifying bioavailable nitrogen instead of total nitrogen
L Jørgensen, S Markager, M Maar
Biogeochemistry 117, 455-472, 2014
Changes in the composition and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter during sea ice formation
L Jørgensen, CA Stedmon, H Kaartokallio, M Middelboe, D Thomas
Limnology and Oceanography, 2015
Physical and bacterial controls on inorganic nutrients and dissolved organic carbon during a sea ice growth and decay experiment
J Zhou, B Delille, H Kaartokallio, G Kattner, H Kuosa, JL Tison, R Autio, ...
Marine Chemistry 166, 59-69, 2014
Production and transformation of dissolved neutral sugars and amino acids by bacteria in seawater
L Jørgensen, OJ Lechtenfeld, R Benner, M Middelboe, CA Stedmon
Biogeosciences 11 (19), 5349-5363, 2014
Bacterial production and transformation of dissolved neutral sugars and amino acids in seawater
L Jørgensen, OJ Lechtenfeld, R Benner, M Middelboe, CA Stedmon
Biogeosciences Discuss 11, 6151-6184, 2014
The Role of Refractory Dissolved Organic Matter in Ocean Carbon Sequestration
L Jørgensen
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 2014
Interactive comment on “Bacterial production and transformation of dissolved neutral sugars and amino acids in seawater” by L. Jørgensen et al.
L Jørgensen
Usuing the Arctic Environment Test Basin to study the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in sea ice
DN Thomas, J Zhou, H Kaartokallio, JL Tison, B DeLille, L Jørgensen, ...
Hydralab IV joint user meeting, 2014
Mikrobiel dannelse af sværtnedbrydelige organiske humusstoffer i arktiske egne
L Jørgensen, M Middelboe, C Stedmon
17. Danske havforskermøde, 2013
Budgets for total and bioavailable nitrogen in the North Sea-Baltic Sea transition zone
L Jørgensen, S Markager, M Maar
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Articles 1–12