Marco Portmann
Marco Portmann
Institute for Swiss Economic Policy (IWP) at the University of Lucerne
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Cited by
District magnitude and representation of the majority’s preferences: Evidence from popular and parliamentary votes
M Portmann, D Stadelmann, R Eichenberger
Public Choice 151, 585-610, 2012
Quantifying parliamentary representation of constituents’ preferences with quasi-experimental data
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
Journal of Comparative Economics 41 (1), 170-180, 2013
Military careers of politicians matter for national security policy
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 116, 142-156, 2015
Preference representation and the influence of political parties in majoritarian vs. proportional systems: An empirical test
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
British Journal of Political Science 49 (1), 181-204, 2019
Evaluating the median voter model’s explanatory power
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
Economics Letters 114 (3), 312-314, 2012
Politicians and preferences of the voter majority: Does gender matter?
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
Economics & Politics 26 (3), 355-379, 2014
The law of large districts: How district magnitude affects the quality of political representation
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
European Journal of Political Economy 35, 128-140, 2014
Parliamentary Representation of Citizens’ Preferences
M Portmann
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2014
Income and policy choices: Evidence from parliamentary decisions and referenda
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
Economics Letters 135, 117-120, 2015
Full transparency of politicians' actions does not increase the quality of political representation
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
Journal of Experimental Political Science 1 (1), 16-23, 2014
A comparative analysis of the voting behavior of constituents and their representatives for public debts
R Eichenberger, D Stadelmann, M Portmann
Constitutional Political Economy 23, 244-260, 2012
Empirical evidence on factors influencing farmers’ administrative burden: A structural equation modeling approach
C Ritzel, G Mack, M Portmann, K Heitkämper, N El Benni
PLoS One 15 (10), e0241075, 2020
How lobbying affects representation: Results for majority-elected politicians
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 16 (4), 20160040, 2016
Assessing the effects of seasonal tariff‐rate quotas on vegetable prices in Switzerland
D Loginova, M Portmann, M Huber
Journal of Agricultural Economics 72 (2), 607-627, 2021
Military service of politicians, public policy, and parliamentary decisions
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
CESifo Economic Studies 64 (4), 639-666, 2018
Testing the median voter model and moving beyond its limits: do personal characteristics explain legislative shirking?
M Portmann, D Stadelmann
Social Science Quarterly 98 (5), 1264-1276, 2017
Mehrheitswahlen in Mehrpersonenwahlkreisen: Ein Schweizer Erfolgsrezept?
R Eichenberger, M Portmann, P Schafer, D Stadelmann
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 22 (4), 315-329, 2021
Voters elect politicians who closely matched their preferences
D Stadelmann, M Portmann, R Eichenberger
Economics Bulletin 33 (2), 1001-1009, 2013
Mapping the theory of political representation to the empirics: An investigation for proportional and majoritarian rules
D Stadelmann, G Torrens, M Portmann
Journal of Comparative Economics 48 (3), 548-560, 2020
Gute politische Institutionen: Eine Neuinterpretation für die Schweiz
R Eichenberger, M Portmann, D Stadelmann
CREMA Working Paper, 2018
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Articles 1–20