Facundo Massolo
Facundo Massolo
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1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) delays senescence, maintains quality and reduces browning of non-climacteric eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) fruit
ARV JF Massolo, A Concellón, AR Chaves
Postharvest Biology and Technology 59, 10-15, 2011
Evaluation of quality during storage of apple leather
NAQ Ruiz, SM Demarchi, JF Massolo, LM Rodoni, SA Giner
Lwt 47 (2), 485-492, 2012
Benzyl-aminopurine (BAP) treatments delay cell wall degradation and softening, improving quality maintenance of refrigerated summer squash
ARV JF Massolo, ML Lemoine, AR Chaves, A Concellón
Postharvest Biology and Technology 93, 122-129, 2014
Quality and yield of Ricotta cheese as affected by milk fat content and coagulant type
ARV LC Ortiz Araque, M Darré, CM Ortiz, JF Massolo
International Journal of Dairy Technology, 340-346, 2017
Effects of ethylene and 1-MCP on quality maintenance of fresh cut celery
JF Massolo, LG Forte, A Concellón, SZ Viña, AR Vicente
Postharvest Biology and Technology 148, 176-183, 2019
Use of 1-methylcyclopropene to complement refrigeration and ameliorate chilling injury symptoms in summer squash
ARV JF Massolo, A Concellón, AR Chaves
CyTA-Journal of Food 11, 19-26, 2013
Maturity at harvest and postharvest quality of summer squash
JF Massolo, JM Zarauza, JH Hasperué, LM Rodoni, AR Vicente
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 54, e00133, 2019
Low‐dose prestorage 24‐epibrassinolide spray enhances postharvest chilling tolerance in zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) by eliciting peroxidase and …
JF Massolo, R Sánchez, MJ Zaro, A Concellón, AR Vicente
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 46 (5), e16576, 2022
Alteraciones de los polifenoles en la etapa de poscosecha
AR Vicente, A Concellón, SZ Viña, ML Lemoine, LM Rodoni, MJ Zaro, ...
Seminario de Polifenoles en Frutas y Hortalizas (FANUS, 6 de octubre de 2017), 2017
Estudio cinético de la degradación térmica de antocianinas en pulpas y jugos de frambuesa
YE Rossi, F Moroni, JF Massolo, LM Rodoni, AR Vicente, AR Lespinard
I Congreso Argentino de Biología y Tecnología Poscosecha y IX Jornadas …, 2017
Efecto del tratamiento térmico sobre el color y contenido de antocianinas en jugos de zarzamora y frambuesa
LM Rodoni, JF Massolo, E Badin, F Moroni, AR Vicente, AR Lespinard
I Congreso Argentino de Biología y Tecnología Poscosecha y IX Jornadas …, 2017
Brassinosteroid biology, potential uses in post-harvest technology and future challenges
JF Massolo, AA Díaz
Postharvest Biology and Technology 212, 112853, 2024
Postharvest shelf life extension of minimally processed kale at ambient and refrigerated storage by use of modified atmosphere
AB Lourenco, V Casajús, R Ramos, F Massolo, C Salinas, P Civello, ...
Food Science and Technology International, 10820132231195379, 2023
Evaluation of different physical treatments in minimally processed green and red pepper Capsicum annuum L.
LM Rodoni, JF Massolo, AR Vicente
Enfoque UTE 8 (2), 33-43, 2017
Empleo de triptófano en postcosecha de pimiento verde (Capsicum annum) refrigerado
MI Rochetti, AA Díaz, LM Rodoni, ML Lemoine, JF Massolo
Investigación Joven 10 (2), 118-118, 2023
Efecto del 1-MCP sobre la calidad, metabolismo respiratorio y vida postcosecha de rúcula refrigerada
MR Taus, JH Hasperué, LM Rodoni, JF Massolo
Investigación Joven 10 (2), 253-257, 2023
Postharvest shelf life extension of minimally processed kale at ambient and refrigerated storage by use of modified atmosphere
A Barriga Lourenco, V Casajús, RN Ramos, JF Massolo, CA Salinas, ...
Sage Publications Ltd, 2023
Tratamientos con prolina en postcosecha de pimiento verde (Capsicum annum) almacenado bajo estrés oxidativo
AA Díaz, MI Rochetti, LM Rodoni, ML Lemoine, JF Massolo
Investigación Joven 10, 2023
Rol del 24-epibrasinólido y de su inhibidor de biosíntesis (brasinazol) en la vida útil de brócoli refrigerado a 4° C
R Sanchez, JF Massolo, AR Vicente, A Concellón, MJ Zaro
Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química, 2021
Efectividad del tratamiento con 2, 4-epibrasinólido (EBR) para el control del daño por frío en zucchini
R Sanchez, MJ Zaro, A Concellón, AR Vicente, JF Massolo
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2021
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Articles 1–20