Vittorio Rosato
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Cited by
Tight-binding potentials for transition metals and alloys
F Cleri, V Rosato
Physical Review B 48 (1), 22, 1993
Thermodynamical and structural properties of fcc transition metals using a simple tight-binding model
V Rosato, M Guillope, B Legrand
Philosophical Magazine A 59 (2), 321-336, 1989
Modelling interdependent infrastructures using interacting dynamical models
V Rosato, L Issacharoff, F Tiriticco, S Meloni, S Porcellinis, R Setola
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 4 (1-2), 63-79, 2008
Topological properties of high-voltage electrical transmission networks
V Rosato, S Bologna, F Tiriticco
Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2), 99-105, 2007
Molecular-dynamics study of surface premelting effects
V Rosato, G Ciccotti, V Pontikis
Physical Review B 33 (3), 1860, 1986
Comparative behavior of carbon in bcc and fcc iron
V Rosato
Acta Metallurgica 37 (10), 2759-2763, 1989
Atomic hydrogen adsorption on a Stone–Wales defect in graphite
S Letardi, M Celino, F Cleri, V Rosato
Surface science 496 (1-2), 33-38, 2002
Molecular-dynamics calculations of thermodynamic properties of metastable alloys
G Mazzone, V Rosato, M Pintore, F Delogu, PF Demontis, GB Suffritti
Physical Review B 55 (2), 837, 1997
Managing the complexity of critical infrastructures: A modelling and simulation approach
R Setola, V Rosato, E Kyriakides, E Rome
Springer Nature, 2016
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the order-disorder transformation in Ni3Al
F Cardellini, F Cleri, G Mazzone, A Montone, V Rosato
Journal of materials research 8, 2504-2509, 1993
Thermodynamic behavior of the carbon schwarzite fcc
V Rosato, M Celino, G Benedek, S Gaito
Physical Review B 60 (24), 16928, 1999
Evidence for cysteine clustering in thermophilic proteomes
V Rosato, N Pucello, G Giuliano
TRENDS in Genetics 18 (6), 278-281, 2002
Atomic-scale modeling of the interaction between short polypeptides and carbon surfaces
G Gianese, V Rosato, F Cleri, M Celino, P Morales
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (35), 12105-12112, 2009
Solid–liquid interface velocity and diffusivity in laser-melt amorphous silicon
L Brambilla, L Colombo, V Rosato, F Cleri
Applied Physics Letters 77 (15), 2337-2339, 2000
Is the topology of the Internet network really fit to sustain its function?
V Rosato, L Issacharoff, S Meloni, D Caligiore, F Tiriticco
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (7), 1689-1704, 2008
Role of defective icosahedra in undercooled copper
M Celino, V Rosato, A Di Cicco, A Trapananti, C Massobrio
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (17), 174210, 2007
Influence of the topology on the power flux of the Italian high-voltage electrical network
V Rosato, L Issacharoff, G Gianese, S Bologna
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.1664, 2009
Simulation of growth of Ni-Zr interfacial amorphous regions under nonequilibrium conditions
P Mura, P Demontis, GB Suffritti, V Rosato, MV Antisari
Physical Review B 50 (5), 2850, 1994
Design of DSS for supporting preparedness to and management of anomalous situations in complex scenarios
A Di Pietro, L Lavalle, L La Porta, M Pollino, A Tofani, V Rosato
Managing the complexity of critical infrastructures: A modelling and …, 2016
Lattice dynamics of ordered and disordered Cu3 Au with a tight-binding potential model
F Cleri, V Rosato
Philosophical magazine letters 67 (6), 369-378, 1993
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Articles 1–20